Data Science Project and Internship
Data Science Project
The data science project provides students with the opportunity to work through a project from its conceptualization scratch down to its (software) implementation. Co-operations with external partners (firms, governmental and non-governmental organizations) are encouraged. The data science project constitutes an innovative learning format, with a strong focus on applying the statistical and computational methods previously acquired.
Social Science Applications Module
Within the Social Science Applications module students can complete a data science project and/or an internship.
In general, the module needs to enclose a minimum of 2 graded performances and 18 ECTS. The following combinations are possible:
- 1 seminar, 1 graded data science project, 1 internship (without a grade)
- 2 seminars, 1 graded data science project
- 2 seminars, 1 internship (without a grade)
- 3 seminars
Where do I find an appropriate project?
Current data science projects are regularly published via the SEDS mailinglist. Depending on the research focus, students are also encouraged to exchange ideas with professors and/or to approach chairs to look for possible topics for DSPs. Student assistant jobs can often be synergistically combined with a DSP.
How many ECTS does the DSP cover?
MSc SEDS students receive 6 ECTS and a grade for the DSP, based on the data science project report and a short presentation.
Important: Please inform the responsible assessor in advance about these exam requirements.
Who can assess my DSP?
Principal Investigators of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences or Principle Investigators directly associated with the MSc SEDS:
Dept. of Politics and Public Administration:
Dept. of Computer Science
Dept. of Sociology
Dept. of Economics
Dept. of Psychology
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
What does the DSP report need to include?
The DSP report has a minimum of 5 pages, which includes the detailed tasks completed during the project including a summary of key questions addressed during the DSP, methodology and data used, as well as results and their discussion (if applicable).
Please also include the following:
- Name of the assessor
- Participating department
- Date of the presentation
How can I receive ECTS for my DSP?
After completing the DSP, the assessor should send an e-mail to and confirming that the report has been submitted and the presentation has been held successfully (including the date of the DSP-presentation, grade and title).
The ECTS allocation in ZEuS will be done by the MSc SEDS Examination Office.
Silke Husse (3rd semester) about her DSP experience
To conduct a data science project is a great opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge during your studies. Students get a lot of input and information in the lectures and seminars. A hands-on project deepens your understanding and provides new insights.
Birke, Rahka, and I decided to develop a Python package. This project was created in cooperation with CorrelAid and the city of Konstanz. The city has collected a lot of data available to citizens thanks to the Open Data Initiative. However, one has to manually download each dataset from the internet to work with it. Our package opencity simplifies the whole process of dealing with the data - you can load the datasets directly in Python, get a first overview, and download all the datasets. Working on the project as a team was challenging because everyone programs differently, so you have to keep up to date frequently. At the same time, we benefited the most from teamwork because we were able to aggregate our knowledge and thus implement a larger project. It was a lot of fun to work as a team on this project! We hope that our package will be used a lot and make life easier for some in their data analysis.
Master's Project at the Department of Computer and Information Science
SEDS students who are writing their Master's thesis with a first assessor from the Dept. of Computer and Information Science can register for a Master's project. The Master's project typically includes writing a report/handing in a code and preparing a presentation.
This project will be rewarded with 9 ECTS which will be split between two modules:
- 6 ECTS graded for the Module Social Science Applications
- 3 ECTS ungraded for the MSc SEDS Colloquium
You will find further information and registration details here.
As the Social and Economic Data Science programme prepares for an array of potential career paths, it is helpful to gain insights by practical experiences. An internship enables students to explore future work possibilities while still remaining in the program. It can help to create realistic expectations, inspire to expand your academic horizon and pave the way to your career.
How can I receive ECTS for my internship?
You will need to receive a confirmation e-mail from your study coordinator. Please send a request to to clarify your internship before starting.
Please include your
- employer
- working hours
- duration
- your field of employment
Once your internship has ended you must hand in a confirmation from your employer to the study coordinator.
You will receive 6 ECTS for your internship.
How long does the internship have to be?
- Working hours: full time = 35 hours/week (half time also possible upon consultation)
- Minimum duration: 6 weeks (full time) / 12 weeks (half time)
Can I request an absence semester?
For an internship that takes longer than 3 months an absence semester can be requested at the student-service-centre:
The internship must serve the study goal.