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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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  • König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas (2000): Decisiveness and Inclusiveness : Two Aspects of the Intergovernmental Choice of European Voting Rules Homo oeconomicus XVII. 2000(1/2), pp. 107-123

    Decisiveness and Inclusiveness : Two Aspects of the Intergovernmental Choice of European Voting Rules


    When studying the constitutional choice of European voting rules, most power index analyses concentrate on member states' relative decisiveness for forming winning coalitions in the Council of Ministers. These studies have two shortcomings: (a) They ignore the distribution of relative power between the Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, as defined by the multi-cameral European legislative procedures. (b) They disregard the absolute notion of power, which is dependent on the inclusion of member states in winning coalitions under various voting rules. In this article we present our approach on member states' constitutional choice of European voting rules with regard to the two notions of power: actors' relative decisiveness and their absolute inclusiveness in decision making. We present an index to measure inclusiveness and apply our concept to the European multi-cameral legislature. On the basis of our study, we present a reasoned account of motives behind member states' recent institutional reforms of legislative procedures.

  • Bräuninger, Thomas; König, Thomas (2000): Regieren im Föderalismus Endbericht eines Forschungsprojekt finanziert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

    Regieren im Föderalismus



    dc.contributor.author: Bräuninger, Thomas; König, Thomas

  • Schneider, Gerald; Bailer, Stefanie (2000): The Power of Legislative Hot Air : Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate in the European Parliament The Journal of Legislative Studies. 2000, 6(2), pp. 19-44. ISSN 1357-2334. eISSN 1743-9337. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13572330008420621

    The Power of Legislative Hot Air : Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate in the European Parliament


    Integration theorists disagree over the extent to which the European Parliament can substantially influence policy-making processes in the absence of formal agendasetting power. This article discusses the impact the European Parliament had on the current enlargement negotiations. Although the legislature does not yet possess the means to alter the stance of the European Council, it has tried to reverse the status quo through the use of its informal bargaining power. We argue based on a principal-agent framework of analysis that the effectiveness of this strategy is largely a consequence of the ability to speak with one voice. The article evaluates various mechanisms to help the European Parliament build a unified position. It refutes socialisation and specialisation theories, showing that party group pressure towards a unified position overrode national concerns and constituted a necessary precondition in the development of an integrationist attitude. A statistical analysis of the pre-bargaining positions inside the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee largely confirms the insights from qualitative interviews with participants and observers.

  • Schneider, Gerald; Moser, Peter (2000): Rational Choice and the Governance Structure of the European Union : An Introduction MOSER, Peter, ed., Gerald SCHNEIDER, ed., Gebhard KIRCHGÄSSNER, ed.. Decision Rules in the European Union : A Rational Choice Perspective. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, pp. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-349-62794-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-1-349-62792-9_1

    Rational Choice and the Governance Structure of the European Union : An Introduction


    The European Union is increasingly characterized by a complex system of countervailing institutions. One attempt to understand the relationships between the member states and competing institutions within the EU is the theory of strategic integration. The rational choice analysis of European integration encompasses both economics and political science and is largely devoted to institutional issues. This essay offers a brief introduction to the strategic study of the European Union and a selective review of the literature on this topic. We also summarize and discuss the main contributions in this volume and point out future areas of research.

  • Bräuninger, Thomas; König, Thomas (2000): Making Rules for Governing Global Commons Journal of Conflict Resolution. 2000, 44(5), pp. 604-629. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002700044005003

    Making Rules for Governing Global Commons


    Acentral goal of the Third United Nations Conference on the Lawof the Sea 1973-1982was to establish an international order for the use of the deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction. An overwhelming majority of countries signed the comprehensive convention, but several countries including the industrialized G7 members Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the formerWest Germany rejected the new ocean regime in 1982. This article addresses the question of why some states opposed the 1982 convention by examining their preferences for alternative decision-making rules. A policy-seeking approach is used by deriving the preferences of 149 states for different decision-making rules from three components: states preferences for policies, the working properties of different decision-making rules, and the location of the status quo. Findings showwhy the 1982 proposal failed to be supported by the main industrialized countries. Some evidence exists for the successful foundation of a multicameral rule in 1994.

  • Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea (2000): Introduction : new approaches to reach effective implementation - political rhetoric or sound concepts? KNILL, Christoph, ed., Andrea LENSCHOW, ed.. Implementing EU environmental policy : new directions and old problems. Manchester [u.a.]: Manchester Univ. Press, 2000, pp. 3-8. ISBN 0-7190-5928-3

    Introduction : new approaches to reach effective implementation - political rhetoric or sound concepts?



    dc.contributor.author: Lenschow, Andrea

  • Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea (2000): Neue Steuerungskonzepte in der europäischen Umweltpolitik : Institutionelle Arrangements für eine effektivere Implementation? VOLKER, , ed., PRITTWITZ, ed.. Institutionelle Arrangements in der Umweltpolitik : Zukunftsfähigkeit durch innovative Verfahrenskombinationen?. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 2000, pp. 65-83. ISBN 3-8100-2641-7

    Neue Steuerungskonzepte in der europäischen Umweltpolitik : Institutionelle Arrangements für eine effektivere Implementation?



    dc.contributor.author: Lenschow, Andrea

  • Implementing EU Environmental Policy : New Directions and Old Problems


    The priorities underlying European environmental policy-making have undergone fundamental change since the early 1990s. The most important development has been the growing relevance of effective implementation of European policies at national level. The perceived gap between policy-making and implementation raises questions about the legitimacy of EU policy-making in general, making it an important political issue at EU level. However, such policy concerns have also brought the issue centre-stage in the academic debate. This is a comprehensive overview of policy changes at supranational level, situating them in the general conceptual debate on effective implementation. In matters of policy there is a real interaction and exchange of ideas between academics and practitioners.

  • Die Reorganisation von Eigentumsrechten mittelständischer Unternehmen in Ostdeutschland. Reichweiten staatlicher Kompetenzen im Transformationsprozeß der deutschen Wiedervereinigung am Beispiel der 72er Reprivatisierungen und PGH-Umwandlungen


    This dissertation was written in the context of a larger research effort on sectoral variations in the transformation process of the East Germany political economy. Several projects in this effort were able to show that sectoral differences in the transformation process were related to the extent to which the government had the competence to reorganise property rights in each sector. This thesis studies the phenomen, abstracting from sectoral differences to focus on the institutional preconditions for the successful reconstruction of medium sized business enterprise.

  • Schnell, Rainer; Kopp, Johannes (2000): Theoretische und methodische Diskussionen der Lehrevaluationsforschung und deren praktische Bedeutung Projektbericht des Projekts Fakultätsinterne Evaluation der Lehre:Die Weiterentwicklung des bisherigen Evaluationskonzepts. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz

    Theoretische und methodische Diskussionen der Lehrevaluationsforschung und deren praktische Bedeutung


    Quality measurement and quality enhancement and the evaluation of these actions are receiving increasing attention, even at universities. One of the most popular evaluation instruments used is student ratings of their courses. In our study, we collected and examined all student course-rating forms currently in use in social science departments in Germany. We paid special attention to the instrument used at the University of Constance, which we analyzed with psychometric methods. A further aim of this research project was to provide a thorough review of the current scientific discussion on the methodological quality of these measurements. Our report contains a section on these results. In analyzing the student course ratings reported here, one is able to derive teaching dimensions that should be evaluated separately. However, whether the dimensions found here provide an adequate description of the quality of teaching is open to debate. While the student ratings provide one measure of the value derived from teaching, the true benefits of that teaching may be evident only after several years. An accurate evaluation of the teaching quality at a given university should therefore consider not only the student ratings of the teaching but its long-term effects on the student's career, both academic and work-related.

  • Die Alpenkonvention und die Schweiz - eine Policy-Analyse


    Analysis of the alpine convention and the joining of Switzerland to this treaty of all alpine states. Switzerland has joined the alpine convention only after comprising the federal states (cantons) in a stronger way. The conclusion: For a successful implementation of policies the institutional paricularities should be considered.

  • Internationale Institutionenpolitik : Die Wahl von Entscheidungsregeln für die Meeresbodenbehörde



    dc.contributor.author: Bräuninger, Thomas

  • Kluge, Annette : Erfahrungsmanagement in lernenden Organisationen



  • Deutsche auswärtige Kulturpolitik in den USA und Großbritannien - Ein Vergleich der Mittlerorganisationen und deren Einbettung in das politische System des Gastlandes


    Deutsche auswärtige Kulturpolitik ist ein Thema, das in der Öffentlichkeit auf recht geringes Interesse stößt. Doch auch hier machen sich die zunehmenden Sparmaßnahmen bemerkbar. Die Arbeit untersucht, wie die einzelnen Mittlerorganisationen auf die Kürzungen reagieren. Dabei ist hauptsächlich die Kooperation untereinander und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft von Interesse. Neben diesem Vergleich der einzelnen Organisationen sollen auch die Netzwerke einander gegenübergestellt werden, die diese Organisationen im jeweiligen Gastland aufbauen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß die Institutionen sich in gewissem Maß in das politischen System des Gastlandes einbetten. Die beiden Staaten USA und Großbritannien bieten sich hier besonders für einen Vergleich an. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Befragung der offiziellen Mittlerorganisationen und einiger bilateraler Organisationen anhand von Fragebögen.

  • The Rhetoric of Multilateral Foreign Aid. Assessing the Importance of Good Governance as a Lending Criterion of the World Bank


    This study presents two areas of good governance and assesses their relevance for the World Bank's lending policy. First, the definitions and criteria of good governance of four multilateral organisations, namely the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Development Program and the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD are outlined and discussed. A differentiation between a non-political core area and an associated political area of governance is introduced, and the different governance aspects are allocated to them. Building on these findings, the second part of this study analyses the importance of good governance and alternative factors as lending criteria for the World Bank. Several OLS regressions for three cross-sections between 1983 and 1997 show that the different aspects of good governance play only a subordinate role for the allocation of World Bank credits. Only countries reducing their excessive military potential are favoured by the World Bank shortly after the end of the Cold War. Instead, economic and other donor interests, such as length of colonial dependence, increasingly influence the Bank's credit lending policy over time. The results show little statistical evidence for an impact of recipient need considerations. As previous literature has shown, a negative relationship between population size of a country and the share and change of lending is also observed. Further, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund focus on the same developing countries, whereas the official development assistance of the U.S. is directed to different countries.

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2000): Limits of Cooperation : A German Case of Environmental Mediation European Environment. 2000, 10(6), pp. 293-305. ISSN 0961-0405. Available under: doi: 10.1002/1099-0976(200011/12)10:6<293::AID-EET240>3.0.CO;2-Q

    Limits of Cooperation : A German Case of Environmental Mediation


    Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has been very successful as a mechanism for resolving environmental conflict in the United States. Although it has rarely been used in Europe, European social scientists still have high expectations of its potential to achieve consensual, fair solutions and, in so doing, to increase the general welfare. The promised outcome, it is hoped, can be accomplished through a cooperative procedure resting on extended participation, transparency and procedural justice. In the first part of this paper it is argued that the success or failure of ADR depends not only on the procedure itself, but also on exogenous factors. Three types of exogenous factor can be distinguished. First, there are exogenous restrictions to possible solutions: the opportunities for negotiated agreements depend upon the physical, technical and economic feasibility of potential solutions, as well as upon the law. Second, the course and the result of the negotiation is restricted by the best alternatives to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) of the disputants; these alternatives are mostly determined by external factors. Third, in collective bargaining the room for negotiation is also limited by political directives from the negotiator's constituencies or supervisors. The second part of this paper is devoted to a case study of the mediation in the waste management programme of Neuss County, Germany. This mediation attempted mainly to resolve a conflict over the siting of a waste incineration plant. It ended without consensus. It will be shown how exogenous restrictions, outside options and political guidelines influenced the course of the mediation, how they enlarged or diminished the negotiation space and, ultimately, how they determined the final outcome.

  • König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas (2000): Politikwechsel im Föderalismus HOLTMANN, Everhard, ed. and others. Zwischen Wettbewerbs- und Verhandlungsdemokratie. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000, pp. 129-147

    Politikwechsel im Föderalismus



    dc.contributor.author: König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas

  • König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas (2000): The Union's Institutional Reform and Enlargement The NEBI yearbook : North European and Baltic Sea integration. Berlin: Springer, 2000, pp. 227-242. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-58337-7_14

    The Union's Institutional Reform and Enlargement



    dc.contributor.author: König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas

  • Boerner, Sabine (2000): Managing Quality in the Opera House : Defining the Indefinable DAHLGAARD-PARK, Su Mi, ed. and others. Building People and Organizational Excellence : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on QMOD. Aarhus: Aarhus School of Business, 2000, pp. 98-108. ISBN 87-89695-55-0

    Managing Quality in the Opera House : Defining the Indefinable



  • Schneider, Gerald; Seifer, Bettina (2000): Mittlerorganisationen : Zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz Zeitschrift für Kultur-Austausch. 2000, 50(4), pp. 19-20

    Mittlerorganisationen : Zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz



    dc.contributor.author: Seifer, Bettina

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