Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
  • Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation des E-Government-Gesetzes Baden-Württemberg (EGovG BW)



    dc.contributor.author: Piesker, Axel; Rölle, Daniel; Steffens, Carolin; Vallée, Tim; Ziekow, Jan

  • (2020): Hopes and disappointments : regime change and support for democracy after the Arab Uprisings Democratization. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2020, 27(5), pp. 854-873. ISSN 1351-0347. eISSN 1743-890X. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13510347.2020.1746766

    Hopes and disappointments : regime change and support for democracy after the Arab Uprisings


    What happened to citizens’ support for democracy after the Arab Uprisings? Did the support increase, stay the same, or actually decrease after all the protests, regime changes, and reforms? Which theories of citizens’ political attitudes best explain these dynamics? Analysing two waves of the Arab Barometer surveys and employing an item-response method that offers methodological improvements compared to previous studies, this article finds that support for democracy actually decreased in countries that successfully overthrew their dictators during the Uprisings. Following the arguments that emphasize the rational evaluations of citizens, it argues that in countries that had an experience with a freer political system, such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, challenges of democratization and the poor political and economic performances of the governments left citizens disappointed. Despite the hopes that people had at the onset of the Uprisings, the disappointments generated by the unmet expectations eventually led to a decline in support for democracy.

  • Taking the EU to Court : Annulment Proceedings and Multilevel Judicial Conflict



    dc.contributor.author: Adam, Christian; Bauer, Michael W.; Hartlapp, Miriam; Mathieu, Emmanuelle

  • (2020): Beyond emotional similarity : The role of situation-specific motives Journal of Experimental Psychology : General. American Psychological Association (APA). 2020, 149(1), pp. 138-159. ISSN 0096-3445. eISSN 1939-2222. Available under: doi: 10.1037/xge0000625

    Beyond emotional similarity : The role of situation-specific motives


    It is well established that people often express emotions that are similar to those of other group members. However, people do not always express emotions that are similar to other group members, and the factors that determine when similarity occurs are not yet clear. In the current project, we examined whether certain situations activate specific emotional motives that influence the tendency to show emotional similarity. To test this possibility, we considered emotional responses to political situations that either called for weak (Studies 1 and 3) or strong (Study 2 and 4) negative emotions. Findings revealed that the motivation to feel weak emotions led people to be more influenced by weaker emotions than their own, whereas the motivation to feel strong emotions led people to be more influenced by stronger emotions than their own. Intriguingly, these motivations led people to change their emotions even after discovering that others’ emotions were similar to their initial emotional response. These findings are observed both in a lab task (Studies 1–3) and in real-life online interactions on Twitter (Study 4). Our findings enhance our ability to understand and predict emotional influence processes in different contexts and may therefore help explain how these processes unfold in group behavior.

  • Performance Problems of Hybrid Security Governance against Criminal Cartels in Mexico



    dc.contributor.editor: Laurency, Patrick

  • (2020): Gender Bias in Asylum Adjudications : Evidence for Leniency toward Token Women Sex Roles. Springer. 2020, 82(1-2), pp. 117-126. ISSN 0360-0025. eISSN 1573-2762. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11199-019-01030-2

    Gender Bias in Asylum Adjudications : Evidence for Leniency toward Token Women


    Gender is one of the most frequently studied variables in the literature on judicial decision-making. We add to this literature by hypothesizing that the impact of applicant gender is conditional on the gender balance in a judge’s caseload. We expect that female applicants receive more favorable decisions from judges whose caseload skews strongly male. Analyzing over 40,000 rulings by the Austrian Asylum Court between 2008 and 2013, we find support for direct gender effects for applicants and judges (yet no significant interaction between the two). We also show that gender balance in the caseload is a strong moderator of applicant gender. Judges with predominantly male caseloads are strongly biased toward female applicants, whereas judges facing a gender-balanced set of applicants display hardly any gender bias at all. These findings tackle essential questions of democratic rule of law and human rights. They indicate that applicants’ fundamental rights to a fair and equal trial may have been compromised. We discuss institutional remedies to reduce the potential for gender bias in Austrian asylum adjudication.

  • (2020): Recognizing People at Work in Their Full Humanity : A Commentary on Bal (2020) Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O. Hogrefe & Huber. 2020, 64(3), pp. 200-202. ISSN 0932-4089. eISSN 2190-6270. Available under: doi: 10.1026/0932-4089/a000335

    Recognizing People at Work in Their Full Humanity : A Commentary on Bal (2020)



    dc.contributor.author: Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich

  • (2020): "Divide et vinces" : la lógica realista de la transición sudamericana Desarrollo Económico : Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (Buenos Aires). 2020, 60(230), pp. 1-26. ISSN 0046-001X

    "Divide et vinces" : la lógica realista de la transición sudamericana


    Cuatro décadas han pasado desde que el equilibrio de poder argentino-brasileño en el Cono Sur dio paso a una primacía indisputada de Brasil. La naturaleza pacífica y cooperativa de esta transición de poder regional plantea un interesante puzle para las teorías estructuralistas en boga que vaticinan crecientes tenciones entre Estados Unidos y China ¿Por qué ciertos países aceptan su declinación de forma más indulgente, como lo hizo Argentina en aquella coyuntura? En este artículo ofrezco un modelo formal y utilizo la técnica de rastreo de procesos para demostrar que el giro cooperativo clave en esta relación se produjo entre finales de los años setenta y principios de los noventa. Mis conclusiones sugieren, en contra de la narrativa prevalente, que la cooperación entre Argentina y Brasil no fue producto de la democratización. En cambio, el caso Sudamericano sugiere que las transiciones de poder pacíficas tienen lugar cuando los costos de confrontar son altos y las coaliciones de política exterior son redefinidas en el estado declinante.

  • De Choudhury, Munmun (Hrsg.) (2020): Empirical Evaluation of Three Common Assumptions in Building Political Media Bias Datasets DE CHOUDHURY, Munmun, ed. and others. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press, 2020, pp. 939-943. ISSN 2162-3449. eISSN 2334-0770. ISBN 978-1-57735-823-7

    Empirical Evaluation of Three Common Assumptions in Building Political Media Bias Datasets


    In this work, we empirically validate three common assumptions in building political media bias datasets, which are (i) labelers' political leanings do not affect labeling tasks, (ii) news articles follow their source outlet's political leaning, and (iii) political leaning of a news outlet is stable across different topics. We build a ground-truth dataset of manually annotated article-level political leaning and validate the three assumptions. Our findings warn that the three assumptions could be invalid even for a small dataset. We hope that our work calls attention to the (in)validity of common assumptions in building political media bias datasets.

  • (2020): Mobilization Without Organization : Grievances And Group Solidarity Of The Unemployed In Tunisia Mobilization : An International Quarterly. Department of Sociology, San Diego State University. 2020, 25(2), pp. 265-283. ISSN 1086-671X. eISSN 1938-1514. Available under: doi: 10.17813/1086-671X-25-2-265

    Mobilization Without Organization : Grievances And Group Solidarity Of The Unemployed In Tunisia


    The article investigates the role of social grievances, emotions and group solidarity in the spontaneous mobilization of unemployed university graduates in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Using a mixed method approach, I rely on interviews with political and civil actors conducted during fieldwork in 2018, protest event data from the Armed Conflict and Event Data Project, Facebook posts, and secondary literature including additional media reports. My findings indicate that in January 2016, unemployed citizens organized autonomously in response to perceived social grievances and increasing levels of corruption among established trade unions and unemployed organizations. In the case of Tunisia, shared feelings of relative deprivation, compared to the coastal regions, strengthened in-group solidarity among the unemployed in the interior and south and resulted in their collective mobilization.

  • Nagel, Melanie; Kenis, Patrick; Leifeld, Philip; Schmedes, Hans-Jörg (Hrsg.) (2020): Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke : Festschrift für Volker Schneider

    Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke : Festschrift für Volker Schneider



    dc.contributor.editor: Nagel, Melanie; Kenis, Patrick; Leifeld, Philip; Schmedes, Hans-Jörg

  • Lammert, Christan; Siewert, Markus; Vormann, Boris (Hrsg.) (2020): Bildungspolitik : zwischen Wettbewerb und sozialem Zusammenhalt LAMMERT, Christan, ed., Markus SIEWERT, ed., Boris VORMANN, ed.. Handbuch Politik USA. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, pp. 447-464. ISBN 978-3-658-23844-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-23845-2_24

    Bildungspolitik : zwischen Wettbewerb und sozialem Zusammenhalt


    Seit Jahrzehnten wird das Bildungssystem der USA von zwei Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, einerseits als zentraler Wirtschafts- und Wohlstandsfaktor zu fungieren und andererseits Chancengleichheit, soziale Integration und gleichen Bildungszugang zu gewährleisten. Die US-Bildungspolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte ist nicht zuletzt deshalb von starkem politischem Aktionismus geprägt, der jedoch – wie von diversen Leistungsvergleichen belegt – nur selten seine Ziele erreichte. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Strukturen und Steuerungsformen des US-amerikanischen Bildungssystems, seinen hohen Dezentralisierungsgrad und marktorientierten Charakter, sowie die historische Entwicklung von sozialer Segregation zu Integration. Vor dem Hintergrund politischer Steuerung und Finanzierung des heutigen Bildungssystems sowie der Rolle verschiedener politischer Akteure werden die jüngsten bildungspolitischen Reformen zur Steigerung von Qualität und Rechenschaft und zur Kostenreduktion des Hochschulstudiums skizziert. Im Kontext von Internationalisierungsprozessen und innenpolitischer Polarisierung werden die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen für die Gestaltung von Bildungspolitik aufgezeigt.

  • Strategic Compromise, Policy Bundling and Interest Group Power


    Policy reforms are often multifaceted. In the rent-seeking literature policies are usually taken as one-dimensional. This paper models policy formation using a political contest with endogenous policy proposals containing two dimensions. The two dimensions provide an opportunity to trade off one policy over another to make the lobbying opposition less aggressive. In a first stage, the Government proposes a reform over the two policies, and in a second stage engages in a contest with an Interest Group over the enactment of the proposed reform. As a result, the Government makes a compromise, under-proposing in the policy the Interest Group opposes and over-proposing in the policy the Interest Group desires. Effectively, there will be strategic bundling of desired policies with undesired ones in an attempt to increase enactment probability and overall utility.

  • (2020): A Framework for Reconstructing Archaeological Networks Using Exponential Random Graph Models Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Springer. 2020, 27(2), pp. 192-219. ISSN 1072-5369. eISSN 1573-7764. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10816-019-09423-z

    A Framework for Reconstructing Archaeological Networks Using Exponential Random Graph Models


    Reconstructing ties between archaeological contexts may contribute to explain and describe a variety of past social phenomena. Several models have been formulated to infer the structure of such archaeological networks. The applicability of these models in diverse archaeological contexts is limited by the restricted set of assumptions that fully determine the mathematical formulation of the models and are often articulated on a dyadic basis. Here, we present a general framework in which we combine exponential random graph models with archaeological substantiations of mechanisms that may be responsible for network formation. This framework may be applied to infer the structure of ancient networks in a large variety of archaeological settings. We use data collected over a set of sites in the Caribbean during the period AD 100–400 to illustrate the steps to obtain a network reconstruction.

  • Taking Stock of the Explanatory Power of Ideas



    dc.contributor.author: Zuber, Christina Isabel

  • (2020): Attitudes of urban residents towards environmental migration in Kenya and Vietnam Nature Climate Change. Springer Nature. 2020, 10, pp. 622-627. ISSN 1758-678X. eISSN 1758-6798. Available under: doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-0805-1

    Attitudes of urban residents towards environmental migration in Kenya and Vietnam


    The displacement of people is an important consequence of climate change, as people may choose or be forced to migrate in response to adverse climate conditions or sudden-onset extreme climate events. Existing studies show that there is a consistently higher social acceptance of migrants fleeing political persecution or war than of economic migrants. Here we examine whether individuals in Vietnam and Kenya also extend the notion of deservingness to environmental migrants in the context of internal rural-to-urban migration, using original data from a choice-based conjoint survey experiment. We find that although residents in receiving areas view short-term climate events and long-term climate conditions as legitimate reasons to migrate, they do not see environmental migrants as more deserving than economic migrants. These findings have implications for how practitioners address population movements due to climatic changes, and how scholars study people’s attitudes towards environmental migrants.

  • (2020): Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage : A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias JCDL '20 : Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020. New York, NY: ACM, 2020, pp. 389-392. ISBN 978-1-4503-7585-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3383583.3398619

    Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage : A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias


    Traditional media outlets are known to report political news in a biased way, potentially affecting the political beliefs of the audience and even altering their voting behaviors. Many researchers focus on automatically detecting and identifying media bias in the news, but only very few studies exist that systematically analyze how theses biases can be best visualized and communicated. We create three manually annotated datasets and test varying visualization strategies. The results show no strong effects of becoming aware of the bias of the treatment groups compared to the control group, although a visualization of hand-annotated bias communicated bias in-stances more effectively than a framing visualization. Showing participants an overview page, which opposes different viewpoints on the same topic, does not yield differences in respondents' bias perception. Using a multilevel model, we find that perceived journalist bias is significantly related to perceived political extremeness and impartiality of the article.

  • (2020): An agent-based model of multi-dimensional opinion dynamics and opinion alignment Chaos. American Institute of Physics (AIP). 2020, 30(9), 093139. ISSN 1054-1500. eISSN 1089-7682. Available under: doi: 10.1063/5.0007523

    An agent-based model of multi-dimensional opinion dynamics and opinion alignment


    It is known that individual opinions on different policy issues often align to a dominant ideological dimension (e.g., left vs right) and become increasingly polarized. We provide an agent-based model that reproduces alignment and polarization as emergent properties of opinion dynamics in a multi-dimensional space of continuous opinions. The mechanisms for the change of agents’ opinions in this multi-dimensional space are derived from cognitive dissonance theory and structural balance theory. We test assumptions from proximity voting and from directional voting regarding their ability to reproduce the expected emerging properties. We further study how the emotional involvement of agents, i.e., their individual resistance to change opinions, impacts the dynamics. We identify two regimes for the global and the individual alignment of opinions. If the affective involvement is high and shows a large variance across agents, this fosters the emergence of a dominant ideological dimension. Agents align their opinions along this dimension in opposite directions, i.e., create a state of polarization.

  • Dutton, William H. (Hrsg.) (2020): The politics of digital age governance DUTTON, William H., ed.. A Research Agenda for Digital Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, pp. 84-96. Elgar research agendas. ISBN 978-1-78990-308-9. Available under: doi: 10.4337/9781789903096.00018

    The politics of digital age governance


    The chapter discusses two major questions regarding the impact of digitization on the role of the state vis-à-vis society. First, will the new technologies (‘smart’ homes and cities, new forms of mobility, communication, and social control, and so on) weaken or strengthen the infrastructural power of the state? Will state power have to retreat in social coordination and regulation, or will we see a renaissance of public control of infrastructure sectors? This will be no mere problem-solving adaptation, but a power-based conflictual process. In this respect, the second question is important: How are these possible shifts reflected in changing patterns of policy-making? Will networked policy processes undermine or reinforce traditional structures involving conventional political and social actors in politics and policy-making, or will new ones emerge? Is the state becoming more dependent on the private sector, for example in the regulation of social media using forms of private governance?

  • Technology and democracy : Understanding the influence of online technologies on political behaviour and decision-making


    Drawing from many disciplines, the report adopts a behavioural psychology perspective to argue that “social media changes people’s political behaviour”. Four pressure points are identified and analysed in detail: the attention economy; choice architectures; algorithmic content curation; and mis/disinformation. Policy implications are outlined in detail.

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