Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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  • Dobbins, Michael; Riedel, Rafał (Hrsg.) (2021): Explaining institutional persistence and change in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective DOBBINS, Michael, ed., Rafał RIEDEL, ed.. Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making : The "Missing Link". London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 173-193. ISBN 978-0-367-50218-8. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781003049562-12

    Explaining institutional persistence and change in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective


    The authors examine recent very differential trends in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective. Previous research has highlighted how academic mobilization was instrumental in bringing down communism and facilitating the restoration of academic self-governance. For a long time, Polish and Czech higher education seemed to be characterized by participative democracy and an aversion to any overzealous state intervention. However, Poland has recently experienced a striking shift toward re-centralization, while the Czech system has largely remained embedded in its restored model of academic oligarchy. This chapter focuses on the catalytic forces behind these changes. The authors analyze how changes in interest intermediation structures and steering approaches facilitated centralization in Poland and the persistence of preexisting policy arrangements in the Czech Republic. They show how the organizational power of interest groups, their conflict orientation, and interlinkages with the governmental bureaucracy are key variables in explaining policy divergence. The authors argue that the national-conservative Polish government strategically played with the interests of particular stakeholders and thus transformed the opportunity structures of various organizations. In the Czech Republic, internal stakeholders continue to dominate the system.

  • Kudrna, Zdenek; Puntscher Riekmann, Sonja; Wasserfallen, Fabio (Hrsg.) (2021): Studying Integration and EMU’s Choices KUDRNA, Zdenek, ed., Sonja PUNTSCHER RIEKMANN, ed., Fabio WASSERFALLEN, ed.. The politics of Eurozone reforms. Colchester, UK: ECPR Press, 2021, pp. 103-123. ISBN 978-1-5381-5153-2

    Studying Integration and EMU’s Choices



    dc.contributor.author: Leuffen, Dirk; Puetter, Uwe

  • (2021): Cultural Divergence in popular music : the increasing diversity of music consumption on Spotify across countries Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. Springer Nature. 2021, 8, 128. eISSN 2662-9992. Available under: doi: 10.1057/s41599-021-00855-1

    Cultural Divergence in popular music : the increasing diversity of music consumption on Spotify across countries


    The digitization of music has changed how we consume, produce, and distribute music. In this paper, we explore the effects of digitization and streaming on the globalization of popular music. While some argue that digitization has led to more diverse cultural markets, others consider that the increasing accessibility to international music would result in a globalized market where a few artists garner all the attention. We tackle this debate by looking at how cross-country diversity in music charts has evolved over 4 years in 39 countries. We analyze two large-scale datasets from Spotify, the most popular streaming platform at the moment, and iTunes, one of the pioneers in digital music distribution. Our analysis reveals an upward trend in music consumption diversity that started in 2017 and spans across platforms. There are now significantly more songs, artists, and record labels populating the top charts than just a few years ago, making national charts more diverse from a global perspective. Furthermore, this process started at the peaks of countries’ charts, where diversity increased at a faster pace than at their bases. We characterize these changes as a process of Cultural Divergence, in which countries are increasingly distinct in terms of the music populating their music charts.

  • (2021): Le recrutement du personnel et la représentation géographique dans les organisations internationales Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. Cairn. 2021, 87(4), pp. 607-624. ISSN 0303-965X. Available under: doi: 10.3917/risa.874.0607

    Le recrutement du personnel et la représentation géographique dans les organisations internationales


    Qu’est-ce qui explique la représentation géographique dans le personnel professionnel des organisations intergouvernementales (OI) ? Nous abordons cette question d’un point de vue organisationnel en considérant les processus de recrutement des OI. Dans le système des Nations unies (ONU), les processus de recrutement sont conçus pour garantir le mérite bureaucratique, l’expérience et la formation étant les critères de mérite pertinents. Nous développons et testons une théorie de l’offre, en postulant que les différences dans l’offre de candidats qualifiés et très expérimentés dans les pays peuvent expliquer la représentation géographique. En nous appuyant sur les données relatives au personnel de 34 OI et sur les données relatives à l’offre de 174 États membres, et en tenant compte de l’endogénéité et des autres explications, nous n’avons observé aucune relation de ce type pour la formation. Cependant, les pays qui disposent d’un grand nombre de candidats ayant une expérience professionnelle et régionale pertinente présentent des valeurs significativement plus élevées en termes de représentation. Ces résultats offrent une explication complémentaire sur les raisons pour lesquelles certains pays sont plus fortement représentés dans le personnel professionnel international que d’autres. Ils révèlent également la nature du mérite bureaucratique au sein de l’ONU, qui semble privilégier les connaissances locales et l’expérience professionnelle par rapport à l’éducation formelle (occidentale).

  • (2021): Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 51(1), pp. 93-114. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123418000522

    Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration


    National identities are often conceived of as factors that lend structure and stability to citizens’ political opinions on issues such as immigration. While citizens who define national membership in ethno-cultural terms are less likely to support immigration, those with a civic conception are more likely to do so. The authors propose that defining national identity along both ethno-cultural and civic lines may give rise to conflicting considerations, leading people to experience ambivalence, implying that national identities may serve less as a stabilizing force than suggested by previous research. Findings from heterogeneous choice models and a unique survey experiment show that German citizens with mixed conceptions of national identity had more variable and more malleable opinions than individuals with ideal-type conceptions during the 2015/2016 European refugee crisis. The findings point to an identity-based source of ambivalence and extend current understandings of how people form attitudes towards immigration.

  • (2021): Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health among 157,213 Americans Journal of Affective Disorders. Elsevier. 2021, 286, pp. 64-70. ISSN 0165-0327. eISSN 1573-2517. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.02.056

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health among 157,213 Americans


    The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents an unprecedented crisis with potential negative mental health impacts.

    This study used data collected via Youper, a mental health app, from February through July 2020. Youper users (N = 157,213) in the United States self-reported positive and negative emotions and anxiety and depression symptoms during the pandemic. We examined emotions and symptoms before (pre), during (acute), and after (sustained) COVID-related stay-at-home orders.

    For changes in frequency of reported acute emotions, from the pre to acute periods, anxiety increased while tiredness, calmness, happiness, and optimism decreased. From the acute to sustained periods, sadness, depression, and gratitude increased. Anxiety, stress, and tiredness decreased. Between the pre and sustained periods, sadness and depression increased, as did happiness and calmness. Anxiety and stress decreased. Among symptom measures, anxiety increased initially, from the pre to the acute periods, but later returned to baseline.

    The study sample was primarily comprised of young people and women. The app does not collect racial or ethnicity data. These factors may limit generalizability. Sample size was also not consistent for all data collected.

    The present study suggests that although there were initial negative impacts on emotions and mental health symptoms in the first few weeks, many Americans demonstrated resilience over the following months. The impact of the pandemic on mental health may not be as severe as predicted, although future work is necessary to understand longitudinal effects as the pandemic continues.

  • (2021): Crime, remittances, and presidential approval in Mexico Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 47(6), pp. 1395-1413. ISSN 1369-183X. eISSN 1469-9451. Available under: doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1623325

    Crime, remittances, and presidential approval in Mexico


    Previous work on remittances and incumbency support has focused on recipients’ (pocketbook and sociotropic) economic assessments. In Mexico, however, crime has become the second (if not the first) concern of voters and security evaluations have become closely linked to the national executive’s performance. In this paper we posit that in Mexico remittances can also increase incumbent support through their effect on recipients’ security assessments. We attribute this finding to remittances allowing recipients to take crime-preventive measures and alleviate some of the pressure associated with crime and violence, which in turn improves recipients’ assessments of the security situation of the country and evaluations of the incumbent. Using individual data from Mexico for the period 2006–2017, we find that remittance recipients have higher levels of perceived personal safety and better national security evaluations than non-recipients, and that security assessments are a significant predictor of presidential approval rates. The evidence thus suggests that in Mexico, where crime is rising, and presidents are increasingly rewarded or blamed for containing violence, the effect of remittances on presidential approval also operates through improved personal safety perceptions and public security assessments.

  • Howlett, Michael; Tosun, Jale (Hrsg.) (2021): Three Worlds of Social Policy Styles : Lasting Legacies or a Thing of the Past? HOWLETT, Michael, ed., Jale TOSUN, ed.. The Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles. London: Routledge, 2021. ISBN 978-0-367-25143-7. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780429286322

    Three Worlds of Social Policy Styles : Lasting Legacies or a Thing of the Past?


    The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, published in 1990 by Gøsta Esping-Andersen, presented a typology of welfare state regimes that seminally shaped theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of social policy and comparative welfare states. While not immune to criticism, Esping-Andersen’s typology remains widely referenced in the social sciences three decades after publication, a trend which is likely to continue into the future as well (Emmenegger et al. 2015). Taking the typology of liberal, conservative, and social democratic welfare regimes as a starting point, we ask whether it is possible to identify analogous classifications of countries in terms of social policy styles. More specifically, do we find that contemporary labor market policies and policy-making still reflect the ideas underpinning Esping-Anderson’s typology? To examine these questions, we focus on three countries generally regarded as emblematic of the welfare regime types: Sweden as a social democratic case, Germany as a conservative case, and the United Kingdom as a liberal case, as well as an additional social democratic welfare state – Denmark – in order to examine intra-regime type variation in policy regimes and styles.

  • (2021): Coattails and spillover-effects : Quasi-experimental evidence from concurrent executive and legislative elections Electoral Studies. Elsevier. 2021, 70, 102264. ISSN 0261-3794. eISSN 1873-6890. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2020.102264

    Coattails and spillover-effects : Quasi-experimental evidence from concurrent executive and legislative elections


    Concurrent elections are widely used to increase turnout. We theorize and show empirically how concurrency affects electoral outcomes. First, concurrency increases turnout and thereby the participation of peripheral voters. Second, in combined elections, one electoral arena affects the other. In our case of majoritarian executive elections concurrent to proportional representation (PR) legislative elections, the centripetal tendency of majoritarian elections colors off to the concurrent PR race. Third, concurrency also entails spillovers of the incumbency advantage of executive officeholders to the concurrent legislative race. Drawing on quasi-random variation in local election timing in Germany, we show that concurrency increases turnout as well as council votes for the incumbent mayor's party and centrist parties more generally, with slightly more pronounced gains for the political left. As a consequence, concurrent elections consolidate party systems and political power by leading to less fragmented municipal councils and more unified local governments.

  • Social ties, clientelism, and the poor’s expectations of future service provision : Receiving more, expecting less?


    Are candidates who hand out clientelistic goods at election time less likely to provide services once they take office? This paper examines the poor’s expectations of future service provision by candidates who hand out money and other goods versus those who do not. We hypothesize that the poor’s expectations should depend on the density of social ties. To test this hypothesis, we use hierarchical models to analyse observational data and two conjoint experiments embedded in a unique survey of Kenyans, Malawians, and Zambians. The heavily clustered sampling design allows the investigation of community- and individual-level factors, while the large sample size allows us to focus on a subsample of over 14,000 poor respondents. In socially dense communities, we find that monetary handouts signal the candidate’s ability to provide future services; in less socially dense areas, such handouts appear to be viewed as in lieu of future services. Greater information flows in socially dense communities may help poor voters to monitor candidates and hold them accountable. It is important to consider how communities’ experiences with clientelism affect expectations of service provision. Development practitioners need to understand how social context affects not only the likelihood of vote-buying but also the distributive effects of clientelism.

  • (2021): No contact : How the coronavirus pandemic forces a Cluster project to keep social distance In_equality magazine : Research Magazine of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the University of Konstanz. Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, University of Konstanz. 2021(1), pp. 42-45. ISSN 2748-5404. eISSN 2748-5420

    No contact : How the coronavirus pandemic forces a Cluster project to keep social distance


    What do you do when your field research is called off? The original plan for political scientist Fabian Bergmann was to travel to Norway and Sweden to do research for his doctoral thesis on the indigenous Sámi people. Then the coronavirus hit. Now the project faces the challenge of making contacts at a distance.

  • (2021): Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters : Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 51(1), pp. 412-426. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123419000097

    Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters : Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference


    Quantitative comparative social scientists have long worried about the performance of multilevel models when the number of upper-level units is small. Adding to these concerns, an influential Monte Carlo study by Stegmueller (2013) suggests that standard maximum-likelihood (ML) methods yield biased point estimates and severely anti-conservative inference with few upper-level units. In this article, the authors seek to rectify this negative assessment. First, they show that ML estimators of coefficients are unbiased in linear multilevel models. The apparent bias in coefficient estimates found by Stegmueller can be attributed to Monte Carlo Error and a flaw in the design of his simulation study. Secondly, they demonstrate how inferential problems can be overcome by using restricted ML estimators for variance parameters and a t-distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom for statistical inference. Thus, accurate multilevel analysis is possible within the framework that most practitioners are familiar with, even if there are only a few upper-level units.

  • (2021): Øland, Trine: Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State Social Policy & Administration. Wiley. 2021, 55(1), pp. 242-243. ISSN 0144-5596. eISSN 1467-9515. Available under: doi: 10.1111/spol.12671

    Øland, Trine: Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State



    dc.contributor.author: Eick, Gianna Maria

  • (2021): ¿Tiempos de prueba o poniendo a prueba a los presidentes? : COVID-19 desafiando liderazgos en América Latina Iberoamericana. Vervuert. 2021, 21(76), pp. 203-239. ISSN 1577-3388. eISSN 2255-520X. Available under: doi: 10.18441/ibam.21.2021.76.203-239

    ¿Tiempos de prueba o poniendo a prueba a los presidentes? : COVID-19 desafiando liderazgos en América Latina


    Esta sección analiza las respuestas gubernamentales a la pandemia de COVID-19 en cinco países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Perú, México y Uruguay. Los artículos abordan la evolución de la pandemia y la construcción de políticas de emergencia en estos países, con énfasis en las dinámicas de cooperación y conflicto entre presidentes, congresos, burocracias y gobiernos subnacionales. En conjunto, los artículos apuntan a factores que contribuyeron a diversos grados de gobernanza de la crisis, desde el liderazgo presidencial hasta los límites estructurales de la acción gubernamental. En particular, los estudios permiten una evaluación más exhaustiva de las respuestas de los presidentes, que varían entre la inacción presidencial, la retórica populista y la toma de decisiones políticamente costosa.

  • (2021): Beyond nudge : advancing the state-of-the-art of behavioural public policy and administration Policy & Politics. Policy Press. 2021, 49(1), pp. 3-23. ISSN 0305-5736. eISSN 1470-8442. Available under: doi: 10.1332/030557320X15987279194319

    Beyond nudge : advancing the state-of-the-art of behavioural public policy and administration


    This Themed Issue features theoretical, methodological, and empirical advancements of the state-of-the-art in behavioural public policy and administration. In this introduction, we develop a behaviourally-informed, integrated conceptual model of the policy process that embeds individual attitudes and behaviour into context at the meso and macro level. We argue that behavioural approaches can be situated within a broader tradition of methodological individualism. Despite focusing on the micro level of policy processes, the contributions in this issue demonstrate that the behavioural study of public policy and administration can go beyond the individual level and give important insights into policy and societal outcomes. Our model enables us to draw more substantial lessons from behavioural research by moving beyond the verification of individual behaviour change. If based on a broad conceptual design and methodological pluralism, behavioural policies bear the potential to better understand, investigate and shape social outcomes.

  • (2021): Outcomes of Technostress at Work : A Meta-Analysis Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management, 11807. ISSN 0065-0668. eISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11807abstract

    Outcomes of Technostress at Work : A Meta-Analysis



    dc.contributor.author: Gerdiken, Elena; Reinwald, Max; Kunze, Florian

  • (2021): Colexification Networks Encode Affective Meaning Affective Science. Springer Nature. 2021, 2(2), pp. 99-111. ISSN 2662-2041. eISSN 2662-205X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s42761-021-00033-1

    Colexification Networks Encode Affective Meaning


    Colexification is a linguistic phenomenon that occurs when multiple concepts are expressed in a language with the same word. Colexification patterns are frequently used to estimate the meaning similarity between words, but the hypothesis that these are related is still missing direct empirical validation at scale. Here, we show for the first time that words linked by colexification patterns capture similar affective meanings. Using pre-existing translation data, we extend colexification databases to cover much longer word lists. We achieve this with an unsupervised method of affective lexicon extension that uses colexification network data to interpolate the affective ratings of words that are not included in the original lexicon. We find positive correlations between network-based estimates and empirical affective ratings, which suggest that colexification networks contain information related to affective meanings. Finally, we compare our network method with state-of-the-art machine learning, trained on a large corpus, and show that our simple linguistics-informed unsupervised algorithm yields comparable performance with high explainability. These results show that it is possible to automatically expand affective norms lexica to cover exhaustive word lists when additional data are available, such as in colexification networks.

  • Africa since Decolonization : The History and Politics of a Diverse Continent



    dc.contributor.author: Welz, Martin

  • Reichardt, Sven (Hrsg.) (2021): Konturen einer heterogenen »Misstrauensgemeinschaft« : Die soziale Zusammensetzung der Corona-Proteste und die Motive ihrer Teilnehmer:innen REICHARDT, Sven, ed.. Die Misstrauensgemeinschaft der »Querdenker« : Die Corona-Proteste aus kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2021, pp. 67-90. ISBN 978-3-593-51458-1

    Konturen einer heterogenen »Misstrauensgemeinschaft« : Die soziale Zusammensetzung der Corona-Proteste und die Motive ihrer Teilnehmer:innen



    dc.contributor.author: Koos, Sebastian

  • Homeoffice und mobiles Arbeiten? : Frag doch einfach! klare Antworten aus erster Hand


    Arbeiten im Homeoffice – für viele ist das mittlerweile Alltag. Die Tendenz zu mehr mobilem Arbeiten zeichnet sich seit Längerem ab und wurde durch die Corona-Krise noch beschleunigt. Da sich diese Entwicklung wohl nicht wieder umkehren wird, stehen viele Unternehmen, Arbeitgeber sowie Arbeitnehmer vor der Frage nach dem richtigen Umgang mit der neuen Form des Arbeitens. Die Autoren dieses Buches beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen systematisch aus wissenschaftlicher sowie praktischer Perspektive. Dabei finden sich Tipps und Beispiele für Mitarbeitende, Teams, Führungskräfte, Organisationen sowie Politik und Gesellschaft.

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