Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
  • Borucki, Isabelle; Kleinen-von Königslöw, Katharina; Marschall, Stefan (Hrsg.) (2021): Verarbeitung politischer Informationen BORUCKI, Isabelle, ed., Katharina KLEINEN-VON KÖNIGSLÖW, ed., Stefan MARSCHALL, ed. and others. Handbuch Politische Kommunikation. Springer reference live. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2021. ISBN 978-3-658-26232-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-26242-6_35-1

    Verarbeitung politischer Informationen


    Das Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über Theorien und Modelle zur Verarbeitung politischer Informationen. Zunächst werden wesentliche Phasen der Informationsverarbeitung skizziert. Es folgt eine Diskussion von Zwei-Prozess-Modellen der Informationsverarbeitung anhand der beiden bedeutsamsten Ansätze, dem Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell und dem Heuristisch-Systematischen Modell. Abschließend wird auf mögliche Verzerrungen bei der Informationsverarbeitung durch Heuristiken und Motivated Reasoning eingegangen. Zu allen Ansätzen werden aktuelle Forschungsfragen mittels ausgewählter Studien illustriert.

  • (2021): A critical junctures approach to disaster recovery policies : an idea whose time has come? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Elsevier. 2021, 58, 102164. ISSN 2212-4209. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102164

    A critical junctures approach to disaster recovery policies : an idea whose time has come?


    Analysing disaster recovery, understood as a complex process that spans multiple disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities [1], is an ambitious undertaking, that requires a broad set of instruments to capture all relevant dimensions [2]. This paper proposes that a critical juncture approach, as used in institutional analysis [3, 4], can be a useful addition to existing approaches to analyse the process of disaster recovery. In contrast to concepts like focusing events [5], the concept of critical junctures allows to gauge the impact of institutional legacies through longer timespans [4] and is, thereby, especially useful in the effort to better understand long-term trajectories of recovery policies. To assess this claim, a cursory literature review was conducted to examine the approaches used thus far by social scientists to research disaster recovery and the new critical juncture approach. Subsequently, a short illustrative case study was used to demonstrate some first applications of the critical juncture approach. This process-tracing analysis confirms that examining critical junctures helps to identify long-term trends in disaster recovery policies and how they relate to the institutional dimension of the process.

  • Schweizer Umweltpanel : Fünfte Erhebungswelle : 5G


    Im Folgenden werden die Ergebnisse der fünften Welle des Schweizer Umweltpanels präsentiert, die von Mai bis Juli 2020 durchgeführt wurde. Das Schweizer Umweltpanel ist eine Panelbefragung (die gleichen Personen werden wiederholt befragt), die die ETH in Kooperation mit dem Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) zwei Mal im Jahr durchführt. In der fünften Welle beantworteten die Teilnehmenden Fragen zum Themenbereich «5G». Insgesamt haben fast alle Befragten schon einmal von dem Begriff gehört. Sobald es jedoch darum geht, sich stärker mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen oder es anderen Personen zu erklären, sehen wir eine deutlich höhere Varianz: über die Hälfte der Befragten gibt an, sich bisher gar nicht oder kaum mit dem Thema beschäftigt zu haben. Bei vielen Fragen ist die Meinung der Bevölkerung gespalten. Bei der Frage, ob sie für oder gegen einen Ausbau von 5G in der Schweiz sind, antworten beispielsweise jeweils ein Drittel der Befragten mit «dagegen», «teils/teils» und «dafür». Ungefähr die Hälfte der Befragten findet, dass die Strahlung von 5G-Antennen ihre Gesundheit im Vergleich zu 3G/4G-Antennen stärker belasten, während die andere Hälfte glaubt, die Belastung ist gleich hoch oder bei beiden Antennenformen nicht vorhanden.

    Bei der Frage nach verschiedenen Politikoptionen sind sich die Befragten hingegen relativ einig: der Mittelweg mit gleich bleibenden Grenzwerten für Strahlung und einem relativ langsamen Ausbau von 5G in der Schweiz findet die stärkste Zustimmung. Nach der Auflistung der einzelnen Fragen zeigen wir in einem zusätzlichen Kapitel für einige Fragen auf, welche Unterschiede innerhalb der Befragten basierend auf Sprache, Alter, und Geschlecht bestehen.

  • (2021): It Matters How Old We Feel in Organizations : Testing a Multilevel Model of Organizational Subjective‐Age Diversity on Employee Outcomes Journal of Organizational Behavior. Wiley. 2021, 42(4), pp. 448-463. ISSN 0894-3796. eISSN 1099-1379. Available under: doi: 10.1002/job.2505

    It Matters How Old We Feel in Organizations : Testing a Multilevel Model of Organizational Subjective‐Age Diversity on Employee Outcomes


    This study contributes to the emerging literature on age diversity effects at the organizational level of analysis by comparing the role of chronological‐age diversity versus subjective‐age diversity. We hypothesize a multilevel model in which organizational‐level subjective‐age diversity is negatively related to bonding social capital within organizations, which, in turn, contributes to heightened employee engagement and lowered turnover intentions. The assumed relationships are tested in a multilevel sample of 96 German small and medium‐sized companies with 16,274 employees participating. We gathered data from four different sources to circumvent common source problems and received support for most of the proposed relationships. Given the potentially detrimental effects of high subjective‐age diversity in the workplace, the paper concludes with practical recommendations on how to manage subjective‐age diversity in companies pro‐actively.

  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R : A Beginner’s Guide



    dc.contributor.author: Oana, Ioana Elena; Schneider, Carsten Q.; Thomann, Eva

  • (2021): Reactions to Brexit in images : a multimodal content analysis of shared visual content on Flickr Visual Communication. Sage. 2021, 20(1), pp. 4-33. ISSN 1470-3572. eISSN 1741-3214. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1470357218780530

    Reactions to Brexit in images : a multimodal content analysis of shared visual content on Flickr


    In this article, the authors analyze citizens’ reactions to Brexit on social media after the referendum results by performing a content analysis of 5877 posts collected from the social media platform Flickr, written in English, German, French, Spanish or Italian. Their research aims to answer the three following questions: What multimodal practices are adopted by citizens when they react to societal events like Brexit? To what extent do these practices illustrate types of citizenship that are specific to social networks? Can we observe different reactions to Brexit according to the languages used by the citizens? The authors focus on the types of visual content the citizens used to react to Brexit, as well as on what types of social relations this content can particularly create between their authors and the other members of the Flick community. Their article also highlights to what extent these posts shared on Flickr show content that is in favour of, or against, Brexit.

  • Dobbins, Michael; Riedel, Rafał (Hrsg.) (2021): Exploring Populations of Organized Interests in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe DOBBINS, Michael, ed., Rafał RIEDEL, ed.. Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making : The "Missing Link". London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 47-76. ISBN 978-0-367-50218-8. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781003049562-5

    Exploring Populations of Organized Interests in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe



    dc.contributor.author: Dobbins, Michael; Labanino, Rafael; Horváthová, Brigitte

  • Fakten statt Meinungen : für eine evidenzbasierte Asylpolitik


    Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) bestreitet, dass die Schutzquoten in der Asylpolitik sich systematisch regional unterscheiden. Der Verfasser widerspricht dieser Interpretation und fordert aufgrund der prekären Datenlage im Flüchtlingswesen eine evidenzbasierte Migrationspolitik, die über Entscheidungstrends regelmäßig und detailliert berichtet und sich offen und transparent mit kritischen Studien auseinandersetzt.

  • Education systems and political inequality : how educational institutions shape turnout gaps



    dc.contributor.author: Garritzmann, Susanne

  • (2021): A behavioural model of heuristics and biases in frontline policy implementation Policy & Politics. Policy Press. 2021, 49(1), pp. 49-67. ISSN 0305-5736. eISSN 1470-8442. Available under: doi: 10.1332/030557320X15967973532891

    A behavioural model of heuristics and biases in frontline policy implementation


    This article theorises how behavioural public administration can help improve our understanding of frontline policy implementation. The human factors that characterise policy implementation remain undertheorised: individual variation in policy implementation is dismissed as mere “noise” that hinders predictability in policy implementation. This article aims to fill this gap. We provide a model for street level decision-making which outlines the role of heuristics and biases in frontline workers’ allocation of resources and sanctions. Based on an analysis of the behavioural and street-level bureaucracy literature, we present 11 testable propositions that point to predictable patterns in the ways that bounded rationality influences policy implementation and outcomes. Heuristics can help hard-pressed frontline public service workers to make decisions but may also produce social inequity or inefficient or ineffective service. Therefore, we need to improve understanding of biases that are common among frontline workers in order to inform the development of appropriate mitigation strategies, such as de-biasing or even ‘re-biasing’ (nudging).

  • (2021): Campaign finance legislation and the supply-side of the revolving door Political Science Research and Methods. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 9(2), pp. 365-379. ISSN 2049-8470. eISSN 2049-8489. Available under: doi: 10.1017/psrm.2019.46

    Campaign finance legislation and the supply-side of the revolving door


    Existing research on the revolving door examines why employers hire former politicians. I complement this demand-side approach by demonstrating the importance of the supply-side. In particular, I argue that one important institutional factor that shapes politicians' willingness to leave office for a private sector job is campaign finance legislation. Less restrictive rules increase campaign spending for incumbents, which makes revolving door employment less attractive. Empirically, I use novel data from the US states and a difference-in-differences design to show that the exogenous removal of campaign finance legislation through Citizens United reduced the probability that incumbents left office to work as lobbyists. The supply-side approach provides insights into comparative differences in the prevalence of the revolving door.

  • (2021): Jens Gmeiner: Von den »alten« zu den »neuen« Moderaten : Erfolgsbedingungen und Wandlungsprozess der schwedischen Konservativen von 2002 bis 2010 Nordeuropaforum : Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 47. eISSN 1863-639X

    Jens Gmeiner: Von den »alten« zu den »neuen« Moderaten : Erfolgsbedingungen und Wandlungsprozess der schwedischen Konservativen von 2002 bis 2010



    dc.contributor.author: Jochem, Sven

  • Walter, Annemarie S. (Hrsg.) (2021): Measuring incivility in parliamentary debates : validating a sentiment analysis procedure with calls to order in the Austrian Parliament WALTER, Annemarie S., ed.. Political Incivility in the Parliamentary, Electoral and Media Arena : Crossing Boundaries. London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 1-11. Routledge studies on political parties and party systems. ISBN 978-0-367-46273-4

    Measuring incivility in parliamentary debates : validating a sentiment analysis procedure with calls to order in the Austrian Parliament


    Parliamentary debates sometimes see uncivil behavior by MPs and parliamentary rules of procedure provide instruments such as Calls to Order to sanction uncivil behavior. Incivility is an extreme form of negativity encountered in parliamentary debates. The varied forms of negativity found in parliamentary debates have made them a popular test field for sentiment analysis, the systematic measurement of valence in statements. This chapter describes a sentiment analysis procedure which combines context-sensitive word representations, crowdcoding of negativity in training sentences, and a neural network classifier to establish the level of negativity in debate statements. To validate the procedure we try to predict Calls to Order in the Austrian parliament. We find that we can predict Calls to Order from a statement's degree of negativity reasonably well. The procedure therefore offers great potential for a valid and reliable measurement of incivility in parliamentary debates.

  • Schweizer Umweltpanel : Vierte Erhebungswelle : Basisbefragung


    Im Folgenden werden die Ergebnisse der vierten Welle des Schweizer Umweltpanels präsentiert. Das Schweizer Umweltpanel ist eine Panelbefragung (die gleichen Personen werden wiederholt befragt), die die ETH Zürich in Kooperation mit dem Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) zwei Mal im Jahr durchführt. Die vierte Welle ist die zweite Basisbefragung des Schweizer Umweltpanels und enthält eine Reihe ökologischer und gesellschaftlicher Themen, zu denen Daten bereits in der ersten Panelwelle behandelt wurden. Dabei geht es in erster Linie darum zu erfassen, wie die Schweizer Bevölkerung Lebens- und Umweltbedingungen sowie Umwelttrends wahrnimmt, was sie über umweltpolitische Themen und Massnahmen denkt und wie sich diese Einstellungen über Zeit verändern.

    Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass ein grosser Anteil der Studienteilnehmer/innen Umweltund Klimaschutz als zentrales Problem der Schweiz wahrnimmt. Die in Welle 4 (2019) wahrgenommene Dringlichkeit der Umweltthematik übersteigt die vom GfS-Forschungsinstitut gemessenen Werte im selben Jahr. Zudem äussert eine deutliche Mehrheit der Befragten hohe Besorgnis gegenüber Umweltproblemen und erachtet vor diesem Hintergrund politisches Handeln als notwendig. Während sich die Umwelteinstellungen der Befragten im Vergleich zum vergangenen Jahr kaum verändert haben, ist die 2019 gemessene Besorgnis über Umweltprobleme immer noch etwas geringer als 1994 und 2007 erhobene Werte der «ETH-Studie Schweizer Umweltsurvey». Insgesamt zeichnet sich ab, dass die Befragten diverse geplante oder bereits durchgeführte umweltpolitische Massnahmen in der Schweiz unterstützen. Das spiegelt sich auch im persönlichen umweltfreundlichen Verhalten wieder. Allerdings fällt die Zustimmung für Massnahmen und Verhaltensweisen, die auf eine direkte Beschränkung des eigenen Lebensstils abzielen kontinuierlich am geringsten aus. Die Befürwortung einer steuerlichen Regulierung von Flugzeugtreibstoffen und Fleischproduktion hat im Vergleich zum vergangenen Jahr sogar etwas zugenommen. Auch wenn die Befragten ein ausgeprägtes Problembewusstsein für globale Umweltereignisse vorweisen, fühlt sich die Mehrheit nicht direkt von verschiedenen Umweltein üssen belastet. Unterschiede werden jedoch mit Blick auf den sozioökonomischen Status der Befragten deutlich, der zeigt, dass weniger wohlhabende Befragte subjektiv höher belastet sind. Die umweltpolitischen Positionierungen von politischen Kandidat/innen sind für die meisten Befragten für ihre Wahlentscheidung relevant.

  • Budak, Ceren; Cha, Meeyoung; Quercia, Daniele (Hrsg.) (2021): Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability : Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data BUDAK, Ceren, ed., Meeyoung CHA, ed., Daniele QUERCIA, ed. and others. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2021). Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press, 2021, pp. 327-338. ISSN 2162-3449. eISSN 2334-0770. ISBN 978-1-57735-869-5

    Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability : Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data


    Understanding human activities and movements on the Web is not only important for computational social scientists but can also offer valuable guidance for the design of online systems for recommendations, caching, advertising, and personalization. In this work, we demonstrate that people tend to follow routines on the Web, and these repetitive patterns of web visits increase their browsing behavior's achievable predictability. We present an information-theoretic framework for measuring the uncertainty and theoretical limits of predictability of human mobility on the Web. We systematically assess the impact of different design decisions on the measurement. We apply the framework to a web tracking dataset of German internet users. Our empirical results highlight that individual's routines on the Web make their browsing behavior predictable to 85% on average, though the value varies across individuals. We observe that these differences in the users' predictabilities can be explained to some extent by their demographic and behavioral attributes.

  • (2021): Unique on Facebook : Formulation and Evidence of (Nano)targeting Individual Users with non-PII Data IMC '21 : Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery, 2021, pp. 464-479. ISBN 978-1-4503-9129-0. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3487552.3487861

    Unique on Facebook : Formulation and Evidence of (Nano)targeting Individual Users with non-PII Data


    The privacy of an individual is bounded by the ability of a third party to reveal their identity. Certain data items such as a passport ID or a mobile phone number may be used to uniquely identify a person. These are referred to as Personal Identifiable Information (PII) items. Previous literature has also reported that, in datasets including millions of users, a combination of several non-PII items (which alone are not enough to identify an individual) can uniquely identify an individual within the dataset. In this paper, we define a data-driven model to quantify the number of interests from a user that make them unique on Facebook. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first study of individuals' uniqueness at the world population scale. Besides, users' interests are actionable non-PII items that can be used to define ad campaigns and deliver tailored ads to Facebook users. We run an experiment through 21 Facebook ad campaigns that target three of the authors of this paper to prove that, if an advertiser knows enough interests from a user, the Facebook Advertising Platform can be systematically exploited to deliver ads exclusively to a specific user. We refer to this practice as nanotargeting. Finally, we discuss the harmful risks associated with nanotargeting such as psychological persuasion, user manipulation, or blackmailing, and provide easily implementable countermeasures to preclude attacks based on nanotargeting campaigns on Facebook.

  • (2021): Refining the Multiple Streams Framework's Integration Concept : Renewable Energy Policy and Ecological Modernization in Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. Taylor & Francis. 2021, 23(3), pp. 291-309. ISSN 1387-6988. eISSN 1572-5448. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13876988.2020.1770089

    Refining the Multiple Streams Framework's Integration Concept : Renewable Energy Policy and Ecological Modernization in Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective


    The article proposes one of the first quantitative operationalizations of the Multiple Streams Framework’s (MSF) concept of policy community integration, which determines the gestation process of policy ideas in the policy stream. It argues that operationalization by the Gini coefficient of nodal degree and by Freeman’s segregation score enables us to indicate better the type of a policy community (less integrated, or more integrated), and thus, to assume the trajectory of the gestation process. The findings suggest that Policy Network Analysis offers a more progressive operationalization of the integration concept and helps to compare policy communities

  • (2021): Deserving Austrians First : the Impact of the Radical Right on the Austrian Welfare State Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal. University of Illinois College of Law. 2021, 42(1), pp. 43-60. ISSN 1095-6654

    Deserving Austrians First : the Impact of the Radical Right on the Austrian Welfare State



    dc.contributor.author: Rathgeb, Philip; Gruber-Risak, Martin

  • (2021): Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Sage. 2021, 55(6), pp. 613-619. ISSN 0004-8674. eISSN 1440-1614. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0004867420976844

    Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain


    The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, two major American icons, in a span of days in June 2018 represent a unique and tragic natural experiment to characterize associations with actual suicides in the aftermath of celebrity suicides. The aim of this study was to identify changes in suicide counts after their deaths.

    Suicide data were obtained from the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s public-use mortality file. A time-series analysis was performed, examining monthly suicide data by age group (⩽19, 20–44, 45–64 and ⩾65 years), for both men and women, for all suicide methods and for hanging versus non-hanging methods, from January 1999 to December 2018. Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average models were fitted to the pre-June 2018 period, estimating suicides in subsequent months and identifying deviations from expected values. The volume of Twitter posts about Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain was used as a proxy of societal attention.

    Tweets about the celebrities were mainly concentrated in June 2018 and faded quickly in July. Total suicides exceeded the 95% confidence interval for June and approximated the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval in July. Over this 2-month span, there were 418 (95% confidence interval = [184, 652]) more suicides than expected, including 275 (95% confidence interval = [79, 471]) excess suicides in men and 182 (95% confidence interval = [93, 271]) in women. These equate to 4.8%, 4.1% and 9.1% increases above expected counts. There were 392 (95% confidence interval = [271, 514]) excess suicides by hanging, a 14.5% increase, with no significant increase in all other methods combined.

    Conclusion and Relevance:
    These findings demonstrate that mortality following celebrity suicides can occur at a similar magnitude to that observed for other public health emergencies. They underscore the urgency for interventions to mitigate imitation effects after celebrity suicide reporting.

  • Sweden Report : Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis


    Sweden’s approach to managing the coronavirus crisis was dominated by a series of nonbinding guidelines and recommendations that served as the framework for contagion mitigation measures throughout 2020 (Ludvigsson 2020, Petridou 2020), that is, “nudges against pandemics” (Pierre 2020). This approach attracted considerable attention, since it departed from most national approaches, including the ones by the country’s geographically proximate and culturally similar Nordic neighbors. Conversely, the rate of deaths due to the pandemic has been higher in Sweden than in many European countries.

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