Management and Administration

The Management and Public Administration specification is devoted to organizational and administrative action in theoretical and practical terms. Our research covers these areas from diverse and pluralistic perspectives, including (public) management, organizational research, regulatory and administrative research, and multi-level governance and enforcement research.

Colloquium Management and Public Administration

The MAPA Colloquium serves as an inclusive platform for the presentation and discussion of all research on administrative and management topics in the department, whether advanced or in its early stages. It typically meets every other Wednesday from 12-13h. Details on how it is held can be found here.

Communication around the MAPA Colloquium program takes place via the MAPA mailing list. To subscribe to the mailing list, please send an email to mapa[at]

If you are interested in presenting your research at the MAPA Colloquium, please contact Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann - the program is usually scheduled in the weeks before the semester begins.

Publication list

  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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Researchers in the area Management and Administration

Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner

Supervisor of the Chair of Management, especially Strategy and Leadership


Phone: +49 7531  88-3058

Room: D 317

Post office box: 88

Website Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Summer term 2024 (only during lecture-period):

Every Tuesday from 15.15-16.15, room D 317. First office hour 09.04.2024.

Please register via ILIAS for an appointment (registration possible until 11 pm the day before at the latest).

Office Hours Boerner

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze

Supervisor of the Working Group for Organisational Studies


Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 - 2355

Room: D 235

Post office box: 87

Website Write an e-mail

Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel

Supervisor of the Digital Governance Lab


Phone: +49 7531  88-3553

Room: D 234

Website Write an e-mail


Professor Dr. Ines Mergel is full Professor of Public Administration at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.

Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann

Supervisor of the Working Group on Public Administration


Phone: +49-7531-88-2320

Room: D333

Post office box: 81

Website Write an e-mail

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel

Retired supervisor of the Chair of Politics and Public Administration


Phone: +49 07531 88-3684

Room: D 221

Website Write an e-mail