Course Catalogue Winter Semester 2024/25

Teaching in the Winter Semester 2024/25

In general, courses take place face-to-face. In individual cases, lecturers can also hold courses online, on the basis of a concept pointing out the didactic added value of online teaching compared to face-to-face teaching. Whether a course takes place online can be seen in ZEuS by the indication "online" in the tab "Dates and rooms". In the winter semester 2024/25, Prof. Mergel's lecture "Introduction to public management" as well as her colloquium will be held online.

When choosing their courses/schedule, students are asked to ensure that there is always enough time between face-to-face and online sessions to allow for a change of workplace. If, in individual cases, you cannot avoid the fact that an online and a face-to-face course are directly adjacent to each other in your timetable, please take note of the study spaces available at the university. (See especially the section "Study Spaces in the library" and here "Study Islands in the Information Centre" for participation in online courses).

Course Registration in the Winter Semester 2024/25 (General Information)

Course registration (in the sense of spot allocation), to which the following information refers, is not to be confused with examination registration later in the semester. They are two independent processes.

  • Exam registration takes place for all courses exclusively via ZEuS. The registration deadline is in the middle of the semester (see the page "Deadlines and Dates").
  • Since the winter semester 2022/23, the course registration for all courses in the department also takes place exclusively via ZEuS. The registration deadline is shortly before or at the beginning of the semester. Important: registration for the course does not replace registration for the examination! This means that even if you have already registered for a course in ZEuS, you still have to register for the examination via ZEuS in a separate step later in the semester.

In principle, the following applies: Students who are registered and admitted to a course in ZEuS are automatically transferred as participants to the corresponding ILIAS course (possibly with a slight time delay, as the transfer only takes place once a day). A separate course registration in ILIAS is not necessary and should be avoided in order to avoid confusion. Only the registration via ZEuS is relevant.

The deadlines and modalities of course registration for different groups of courses are listed below. Please make sure that you do not select the courses for which you want to register in ZEuS via the course catalog, but via the study planner with module plan (analogous to the registration for exams).

The following information refers to courses offered by the Department of Politics and Public Administration. For courses offered by other departments, please observe the rules applicable there. Please consult the website of the respective department or contact the relevant student advisor.

Registration for Lectures and Colloquia

The ZEuS registration period for lectures and colloquia runs from October 1st 2024 to January 15th 2025 (i.e. the end of the deadline in this case is identical to the end of the deadline for exam registration). Students who register in ZEuS are automatically admitted and transferred to ILIAS. (Please note, however, that participation in the colloquium may be subject to conditions on the part of the lecturer, e.g. supervision of the final thesis. For lectures, there is no restriction on participants).

For technical reasons it is not possible to register for more than one colloquium at the same time. If you want to change the colloquium, you must first deregister from the previously selected colloquium, only then you can register for the other colloquium.

Registration for BA Introductory Seminars (Proseminare)

The ZEuS registration period runs from October 1st to October 13th 2024. When registering, four priorities must be indicated; based on this information, students will be distributed evenly among the BA introductory seminars. Please note the information on the page "Proseminars - How does the procedure work?"

Registration for courses of the 'shopping week' (BA advanced seminars, MA seminars, MA basic seminars)

'Shopping Week' means that students can use the first week of lectures to look at a variety of courses, and only then (based on their impressions in the first session) make their final course choice. The process of course registration is as follows:

1.) During the first week of lectures, go to the kick-off sessions of those courses you are interested in. If your interest is confirmed by the first session and you decide that you want to take the course on a binding basis, register for it in ZEuS. The registration period runs from Monday, October 21st (9 a.m.), to Friday, October 25th (5 p.m.), so it ranges over the entire first week of lectures. During this period, you can register and unregister from seminars as you wish.


  • The timing of ZEuS registration does not matter (no first come, first served). It is only important that you have registered no later than 5 p.m. on Friday. After the deadline, you are no longer entitled to register. (To find out whether a subsequent registration will still be accepted, you may have to contact the lecturers directly. If necessary, your registration will then be added to ZEuS by the lecturers).
  • If it turns out throughout the week that you do not want to take a seminar for which you have already registered in ZEuS, please cancel your registration in ZEuS immediately. Otherwise, you are blocking places unnecessarily. In case of overcrowded seminars, this can lead to the fact that other students who would like to take the seminar do not get a spot.
  • Note for BA students: please note that you may register for a maximum of four advanced seminars! If you violate this rule, you must expect that you will be randomly deleted from individual courses after the registration deadline!
  • Note for MA students: please note that you may register for a maximum of four POL master seminars! If you violate this rule, you must expect that you will be randomly deleted from individual courses after the registration deadline!

2.) After the registration deadline has expired (from Friday 5 p.m.), the lecturers will admit the registered students in ZEuS. If the number of registrations does not exceed the maximum number of participants allowed, all registrations will be admitted. Otherwise, the lecturers will conduct a lottery. The students who are drawn out will be placed on the waiting list.

3.) You can find out whether you have been accepted via the ZEuS system: Students receive an automatic message every time their status changes in ZEuS; you can then log in to ZEuS and check the nature of the status change (e.g. from 'registered' to 'admitted'). You are required to independently keep up to date with the status of your registrations. Admitted students are automatically transferred to the associated ILIAS course (possibly with a delay, as the data transfer takes place only once every 24 hours).

4.) The lecturers must have carried out the admissions at the latest by the beginning of the second week of lectures, namely by Monday, October 28th 2024, 10 a.m. So, by this time at the latest, you should finally know in which seminars you have been given a spot. If you have been drawn out of a seminar and still need a spot, you should now quickly apply for admission to another seminar in the second week of lectures. Please check ZEuS to see in which seminars there is still room (i.e. in which seminars the number of admissions is below the maximum number of participants - you can see this in the tab "Dates and Rooms" of the respective course). Once you have decided on a seminar, write to the lecturer(s) concerned by e-mail, stating your matriculation number. The teacher can then add you to the course manually.

Important: if you have been admitted but do not wish to take up the spot, please inform the lecturer as soon as possible! This will enable your fellow students on the waiting list to move up. Please not: If you are absent from the seminar in the second week of lectures without an excuse, it will be assumed that you have given up your claim to the seminar spot. Your spot may then be given to someone on the waiting list.

There is a sufficient number of seminars on offer. Therefore, you do not have to worry that you will end up without a spot in a seminar. If you are unlucky in several lottery procedures and still do not have the required number of seminar spots in the course of the second week, please contact the student advisory service. It may then be possible to arrange remaining spots for you.

Registration for Block Seminars

Most seminars held in block form have a kick-off session during the Shopping Week. Therefore, the regular registration rules and deadlines of the Shopping Week seminars apply (see above).

However, special rules apply to some seminars conducted in block form which don't have a kick-off session in the first week of lectures (so that 'shopping' is not possible here). In the winter semester 2024/25, this group includes the following courses:

  • Training for tutors (Vollert)
  • MA Preparatory course "Research methods and statistics" (Herrmann)
  • M.Ed. Teaching politics 3 "Selected  issues" (Schmidt)

For these courses the registration period runs from October 1st to October 13th 2024. If the seminar is not overcrowded after the registration period, all registered students will be admitted by the examination office. Otherwise, a lottery will be conducted by the examination office. The students will be informed about the result by the examination office.