Documents and Forms

Here you can find different relevant forms along with some information.

SEDS Funding Application

In order for you to succesfully receive funding for your applications please follow these instructions and submit the required forms to the AK SEDS:

Depending on what expenses you are looking to get (re-)funded the application process differs slightly. Generally, there are two different scenarios: One where you request funding for an expense (e.g. conference cost, software purchase, etc.) and the other where you request funding for travel expenses (flight ticket, train ticket, etc.) and possibly also other expenses.

Expense Funding

(This only applies if you do not request reimbursement or funding of any travel related expenses)

Please submit

  • the filled out Funding Application (EN) (The form is currently only available in English)
  • the filled out Auszahlungsantrag für Erstattungen (DE) / Reimbursement Request Form (EN) except for the sections "Zu belastendes Konto" / "Account to be debited"
  • the invoice(s) as well as proof of payment for your expenses
  • a one page document detailing what you request funding for and why the request should be granted.

Travel Expense Funding

(The following applies if you wish to receive funding for expenses including any travel related expenses)

Ahead of travel:

Please Submit

  • the filled out Funding Application (EN) (The form is currently only available in English)
  • the filled out Antrag auf Übernahme der Reisekosten (2-fach) (DE) except for the sections "Die Finanzierung der Reisekosten erfolgt aus..." and "Begrenzung der Reisekosten..." twice. (The form is currently only available in German)
  • a one page document detailing what you request funding for and why the request should be granted.

Upon Return:

Please submit 

  • the Antrag auf Übernahme der Reisekosten (DE) signed by the departement
  • the Reisekostenabrechnung (DE) / Travel Expense Report (EN) (note that you only have to fill out the sections enclosed by the bold line)
  • the invoice(s) as well as proof of payment for your travel expenses
  • (optional) the invoice(s) and proof of payment of other expenses (conference attendance, hotel expenses, etc.).

Once we have received your application we will review it and get back to you with a decision as soon as possible. Please note that we cannot grant any funding applications that do not meet the above administrative requirements.