Current news

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Dr Daniel Herfurth receives the LBS science grant for sustainable living and housing!

The Department of Politics and Public Administration congratulates Dr. Daniel Herfurth on receiving the LBS Science Grant for Sustainable Living and Housing, which is endowed with 5,000 Euros. Daniel Herfurth is a post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann's working group for Public Administration. He is in charge of the SPNV-Monitor transfer platform, which is funded as part of the Universities Excellence Strategy. The platform analyses the development of local rail passenger transport…

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Ann-Sophie Lauterbach receives the LUKS prize for outstanding teaching!

The Department of Politics and Public Administration congratulates Ann-Sophie Lauterbach on receiving the LUKS Prize for Outstanding Teaching. Ann Sophie Lauterbach is a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Organisational Behavior of Prof. Dr Florian Kunze and works in the projects "Digitalization, Automation and the Future of Work in Post-Industrial Welfare States" at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" since October 2020.

The LUKS Prize honours lecturers who practice very…

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze in an interview with Southwest Broadcast on compulsory attendance at work and health problems.

The University of Konstanz's long-term study on remote work has shown that employees often suffer from symptoms of stress and exhaustion when they are no longer allowed to work from home. Many companies would prefer to oblige all employees to work from the office again. Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze explains this in an interview with the Southwest Broadcast. You can listen to the full interview in German here

Kilian Hampel in the German media: Why young Germans vote for populists

In the study Jugend in Deutschland 2024 (Youth in Germany 2024), Kilian Hampel shows that young Germans have lost their trust in the entire political system. The study shows that young people are confronted with existential fears: Old-age poverty, war, climate crisis, inflation and other financial problems. Among other things, a fifth of those surveyed, i.e. more than 2,000 young people, stated that they were in debt. 

The study also shows that young people want to be heard. Thereby parties…

Elisa Deiss-Helbig develops VOTO online voting aid for the municipal elections in Konstanz on the 9th of June 2024 

An election aid is now available specifically for Konstanz: Since the 12th of May 2024, the citizens of Konstanz have the opportunity to use the VOTO online election aid to compare general and specific issues of Konstanz with the positions of parties and alliances running for the municipal elections in Konstanz on the 9th of June 2024. Elisa Deiss-Helbig, political scientist at the Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz, has set up the VOTO online election aid together with her team for…

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze and the Konstanz home office study in the media: The obligation to return from the home office has only been introduced by a fifth of companies and has a negative impact on employee stress levels

In contrast to the prevailing public debate of recent months, which suggests that many companies have introduced a stronger obligation for employees to be present, data from the Konstanz home office study by Prof. Dr. Florin Kunze and his team show that this is only the case in a minority of 22 percent of companies. It is clear that stress and exhaustion are almost twice as high among employees who are subject to a greater presence obligation (21 per cent without presence obligation and 38 per…

Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel on the private sector's shared responsibility for excessive regulation and bureaucratization

The Initiative for a New Social Market Economy (INSM), a market-liberal lobby organisation, has launched a pop-up museum to criticise the excessive regulation and bureaucratisation in Germany. Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel points out in the newschannel Deutsche Welle that the private sector is also partly responsible for this. She explains that civil servants and politicians usually draw up fairly broad guidelines. However, the private sector lobbies for many differentiated additions, guidelines and…

Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber on the guidelines for German culture in the party programme of the conservative party CDU

The German conservative party CDU has adopted a new party programme at its party conference. In it, the party defines its position on migration and its relationship with Islam much more conservatively than in the Merkel years. For Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber, the Christian Democrats are wasting potential among many people with a history of migration who are actually close to the CDU. You can listen to her comments in German on Deutschlandfunk Kultur here and on the WDR 5 opinion podcast Politikum…

We congratulate Alvin Bürck, Daniela Blumberg, David Danner, Lucas Leonhard and Larissa Möckel on receiving the VEUK Prize for outstanding achievements in their studies!

Alvin Bürck, Daniela Blumberg, David Danner, Lucas Leonhard and Larissa Möckel were honoured with the VEUK Prize of the University of Konstanz Alumni Association at the graduation ceremony on the 4th of May 2024 of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. The selection is based on excellent academic achievements. The prize is awarded at Bachelor's and Master's level and is endowed with 200 euros.The awardees received the prize for the following outstanding theses:

Alvin Karl Bürck …