Current news



Jun.-Prof. Jan Vogler has published an article on his current research project in the renowned EUROPP Blog of the London School of Economics.

Jun.-Prof. Jan Vogler has written a post on the renowned EUROPP blog of the London School of Economics about his research project: "Rivalry and Empire: How Competition among European States Shaped Imperialism". The blogpost can be read online here, the underlying research project can be found here.

Also, Jun.-Prof. Jan Vogler was interviewed by the Institute for Humane Studies as part of a blog post. The interview can be found here.

Prof. Busemeyer, along with Julian Garitzmann and Erik Neimanns, won the APSA Education Politics and Policy Section's Best Book Award for their book "A loud but noisy signal?".

Prof. Busemeyer, along with Julian Garitzmann and Erik Neimanns, won the APSA Education Politics and Policy Section's Best Book Award for their book "A loud but noisy signal?". The award recognizes the best book on education policy and/or education politics published in the last two calendar years. The award description can be read at this website. The winning book can be read here.

Der Fachbereich trauert um Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lehmbruch

Am 12. Juni 2022 verstarb im Alter von 94 Jahren der renommierte Politikwissenschaftler Gerhard Lehmbruch, der lange Jahre als Professor für Materielle Staatstheorie am Fachbereich gelehrt hat. Er hat durch seine Forschung den Fachbereich nachhaltig geprägt. Der Fachbereich wird Gerhard Lehmbruch ein dankbares Andenken bewahren.

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze was interviewed about the concept of "conference-free Fridays" by ZDF

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze was interviewed in detail about the concept of "conference-free Fridays" by ZDF and assessed SAP's model project. In his opinion, this model is a symptom of the general trend towards hybrid working in the struggle for skilled workers, especially in the competitive struggle for IT specialists. The interview can be read here in the online edition of ZDF.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider is interviewed by SWR on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the International Lake Constance Conference

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider is interviewed by SWR on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the International Lake Constance Conference and talks about the influence of the IBK and the amount of different opinions that regularly clash at these conferences.

Gerald Schneider's interview on the anniversary can be found here, the TV report can be viewed online here.

Thomas Malang interviewed on SWR3 in the Tagesspiegel on the "Conference on the Future of Europe".

The media articles each present the conference on the future of Europe that has just ended and describe its potential effects. Malang estimates the chances of a fundamental change in the EU's institutional balance of power to be rather low. He emphasised the possibility of transnational electoral lists in the 2024 European Parliament elections and a special focus on Europe's youth as particularly realistic and important for strengthening democratic legitimacy.

Tagesspiegel 09.05.

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