Forms (for all study programmes offered at the department)

Here you will find all the important forms for the recognition of exam papers, declaration of independent writing and for the registration of final papers. Please note, that some formulars are only available in german on the german version of the website.

General forms for all fields of study

Invalidity and resignation

Only the form provided by the university administration will be accepted for sick certificates for examinations:

Exam registration

The registration for the exams is done via the exam administration system ZEuS. If the registration does not work for reasons beyond your control, you can use the following form:

Plagiarism prevention


Please replace the blue and red coloured text with your personal information. The signed request needs to be handed in at the examination office (D 323) or at the office of the coordinator (D 322).  

Registration MA thesis


All forms can be found on the website of the doctoral program.