Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer was appointed to the Commission of Inquiry "Crisis-proof Society" of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament.
Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer was appointed to the Commission of Inquiry "Crisis-proof Society" of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament. The commission of enquiry is to develop recommendations for action to make the Baden-Württemberg community more resilient and crisis-proof for the future. These recommendations for action are to be implementable at the state level and focus on the circumstances of crises. The commission, which will include 14 members of parliament and eight experts, has 24 months to complete its work. The Landtag decided to establish the Commission of Inquiry "Crisis-proof Society" on 9 March 2022. The press release of the University of Konstanz can be viewed here. The SWR also reports on the election of Prof. Busemeyer to the Enquete Commission in a press release.