Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber discusses the development and future of parliamentary democracy in Germany

Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber discusses at "Politikwissenschaften im Gespräch" about the development and future of parliamentary democracy in Germany in the context of the 175th anniversary of the Paulskirchenversammlung of 1848.

The 175th anniversary of the Paulskirchen Assembly of 1848 provided a good occasion to reflect on the development and future of parliamentary democracy in Germany. After all, the current public discussion on this topic is dominated by political motives and narratives. But what does scholarship actually know about the development of parliamentarism in Germany and the associated role of the Paulskirchen Assembly? And what can be derived from it for current debates about the state and future of liberal democracy? On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber spoke about social upheavals, statist fears and the electoral successes of nationalist parties and discussed democracy in Germany at the workshop "Political Science in Conversation" of the German Political Science Association. A recording of the workshop in German can be found here. Prof. Zuber's talk begins at minute 47:27. For more information on the Political Science in Conversation series, click here.