Jun-Prof. Dr Lukas Rudolph is investigating factors in Bangladesh that motivate people to (not) migrate.

Strange things have been happening to the Jamuna, a river that flows through Bangladesh, for some time now: it continues to expand. In the process, it is devouring thousands of hectares of fertile farmland and taking the homes of tens of thousands of people with it. Like a hungry animal. People are therefore leaving their villages all along the Jamuna. They are being watched closely. More than eight thousand kilometres away, Jun. Prof. Dr Lukas Rudolph and Prof. Dr Vally Koubi are tracking every move. The behaviour of the Villagers should help to answer one of the biggest questions of the future: When will the great migration wave begin? When will millions of people around the equator set off northwards because climate change is devastating their homeland? You can read In German the report on their research here or listen to it here