Lecture by Eva Thomann at CIDE México

On the 15th of October, Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann was invited to speak at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), one of México’s top think tanks. Prof. Thomann spoke about public accountability in street-level bureaucracies as part of a series of lectures to doctoral students.

On the 15th of October, Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann was invited to speak at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), one of México’s top think tanks. Prof. Thomann spoke about public accountability in street-level bureaucracies as part of a series of lectures to doctoral students.

The CIDE acts as a center of research and higher education and is one of the country’s most renowned scientific institutions. Beneath Bachelor and Master programs it offers a PhD track in Public Policy, which constituted the audience of the event. The lecture built on recent research about accountability regimes and dilemmas in the implementation of the Prevent Duty in the United Kingdom. Later, the discussion opened to a broader understanding of how the accountability regime framework can help in understanding the roles of street-level bureaucrats and what policy makers should consider when designing policy.

You can find the full lecture on the facebook page of CIDE.