Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops go into first round!

The workshops offer cutting-edge, inclusive, and affordable methodological training in both qualitative and quantitative research design and techniques for PhD students and postdocs. Courses take place from March 10-11 (online preparatory course) and March 14-18, 2022 (online and in-person) at the University of Konstanz — beautifully situated at Lake Konstanz, close to the Alps and near the border to Switzerland and Austria.

The Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (komex) are organized in collaboration with the Methods Excellence Network (methodsNET) and aimed at PhD students and junior researchers who strive to take the methodological aspects of their research to the next level. Along with a diverse offer that takes into account methodological pluralism, the small class sizes allow for individual feedback and discussion with our experienced lecturers, bringing the methodological expertise closer to your research projects.

The course program combines qualitatitive and quantitative training on:

With inclusiveness in mind, komex was designed to provide excellent methodological training for everyone. Our non-profit approach is to break even after covering all costs.

For more information, see the attached flyer or visit the website.