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The MaPA Colloquium starts into the summer semester 2023

The MaPA Colloquium starts into the summer semester 2023
Between 13.04. and 20.07. weekly lectures by researchers will take place on Thursdays from 12.00 to 13.00. The lectures will take place either Hyprid (in room M901 and parallel on Zoom) or only virtual via Zoom. More information about the lectures and the form, in which they take place, can be found in the program here.

To be added to the MAPA Colloquium mailing list and thus always stay up to date about upcoming lectures in the course of…

Guest article on Transparency International Germany on the topic "Corona and corruption: the impact of pandemic management on public procurement"

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a dramatic relaxation of public procurement rules in order to purchase the equipment necessary to protect the public. As an unintended side effect, we have seen an increase in procurement-related corruption both in Germany and in Italy, a recent study finds. What contributed to this increase was the ambiguity of the rules, the lack of competitiveness of procurement procedures, and the pervasive influence of political actors on the public administration.

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Online Event mit Dr. Tiziano Zgaga zum Thema “What’s the story? Narratives of EU reform in parliaments and the media", organisiert vom Think Tank Bruegel

As part of the Horizon 2020 project “Differentiation, Dominance, Democracy” (EU3D), Tiziano Zgaga presented the results of a systematic content analysis of debates on the future of the European Union (EU) held from 2015 to 2021 in the Italian parliament. In the debates, parties had a strongly policy-focused (rather than polity-oriented) and incomprehensive positions on how to reform the EU. Fiscal and migration policy featured prominently in the debates.

Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX) 2023

The Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshop (komex) are organized by the University of Konstanz, in collaboration with the Methods Excellence Network (MethodsNET) and hosted by the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz.

The komex offer Ph.D. level courses to provide you excellent, inclusive, and affordable methods training and to bring the methodological aspects of your research projects to the next level.

New Publication in ‘West European Politics’ – Does Institutional Misfit Trigger Customisation instead of Non-compliance?

The journal West European Politics just published Eva Thomann and Viktoria Brendler’s new research on the customisation of the European Union’s (EU) renewable energy (RE) policy by member states. They examined how institutional misfit theory explains member states’ customisation of the EU’s RE policy as it was implemented domestically. Institutional misfit theory examines how well a new EU policy fits existing domestic institutions and policies in a member state. Traditionally, the expectation…

Vortrag zum Thema "Korruption und Krisenbewältigung im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen" anlässlich des Swiss Governance Forum 2022 am 04.11.2022

Am 5. Swiss Governance Forum 2022 der Universität Bern reflektieren etablierte Forscherinnen, aufstrebende KPM (Kompetenzzentrum für Public Management) Research Alumni und Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Verwaltung darüber, was mögliche Stärken des künftigen Staates sind. Das Forum bietet Interessierten aus Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft über Sektor- und Fachgrenzen hinweg neue Impulse für staatliches Handeln.

Eva Thomann wird anlässlich dessen zum Thema "Korruption und…

How did policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis affect corruption in public procurement? A comparative analysis of Italy and Germany (An INSPER Online Seminar)

Public procurement is crucial for effective crisis responses, but also prone to corruption. To ensure a swift provision of medical supplies in the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union (EU) and its member states relaxed public procurement regulations. However, the implications for corruption are unknown.

In this Academic Online Seminar of ISPER, Prof. Eva Thomann presents her work, which analyses how political responses to the COVID-19 crisis influence corruption in public procurement.