Thesis supervision

A final thesis must address a research question in the field of administrative science, public policy, or case-oriented/set-theoretical research methodology and include an empirical element, whereby both a qualitative and a quantitative orientation are possible.

Prerequisite for the binding acceptance of supervision and for the registration of the thesis is a 2-5 page exposé, which outlines the topic, the research question, the current state of the art, the theoretical approach, as well as the methodological approach, the hypotheses, and the planned structure of the thesis.  In addition, the attendance of the colloquium of Prof. Thomann is obligatory in case of a first supervision.

Please note the information about the procedure here:

According to the examination regulations, one of the admission requirements for the BA thesis is the preparation of an exposé (2-5 pages in length), which deals with the topic of the thesis.

The exposé must be submitted to the designated first supervisor before the start of the registration period. The latter is obliged to give feedback to the applicant within the first 14 days of the registration period. Only after a positive review of the exposé are they authorized to sign the application for registration of the BA thesis.

Students are invited to fill out a Blitzexposé to help develop their thesis and to afterwards write their Exposé in preparation for their thesis using the guidelines provided by the department. 

Please always attach the signed form “Declaration on independent work" to all your written performance assessments.