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Aktuelle Ausschreibung für das Masterarbeitsprojekt „Überlastung süddeutscher Ämter“

Die AG Verwaltungswissenschaft sucht Masterstudierende, welche ihre Abschlussarbeit zum Thema „Überlastung süddeutscher Ämter“ schreiben möchten. Die Teilnahme bedingt die Mitarbeit bei der qualitativen Auswertung einer Bürger*innen-Mitmachaktion des SWR im Mai-Juli 2024 unter Anleitung des Projektteams. Die Studierenden können dafür diese Daten (ebenso wie die Resultate der repräsentativen Verwaltungs- und der Bevölkerungsumfrage) für Ihre Abschlussarbeit verwenden und sind innerhalb des…

New publication: "Differentiated policy implementation in the European Union"

Not only, but particularly since Brexit, 'national self-determination' is back on everyone’s lips. Consequently, Differentiated Integration has garnered increased scholarly attention, focusing on the analysis of opting in or out of EU policies, or committing to them at varying speeds. However, the present article takes this discussion a step further. In a recent publication in West European Politics, Asya Zhelyazkova, Eva Thomann, Eva Ruffing, and Sebastiaan Princen take the concept of…

Call for Research Assistants (BA/ MA/ PhD)

The Chair of Public Administration at the University of Konstanz is seeking research assistants (RAs) for the research project “COVICORR: Comparing Mask Scandals in 27 European Union Member States”.

Call for applications for a postdoctoral position in the Comparative Project on Street-level Discrimination of Mobile EU Citizens (EU-SOCIETY)

Click here for the full announcement with more information

The start date is February 1st, 2024 or upon agreement. The position is available for two years.

The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up programme, the Excellence Strategy.

The postdoctoral position is situated at the Chair of Public Administration at the intersection of public policy and public…