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Herzliche Einladung zur Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann am 20.7.2022

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu der Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann zum Thema:

„Bewältigung und Korruption: Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf gelebtes Verwaltungshandeln“

Krisen wie die Coronapandemie stellen die öffentliche Verwaltung vor nahezu unmögliche Herausforderungen: von ihr wird erwartet, schnell, effektiv und kompetent komplexe praktische Probleme zu lösen, politische Beschlüsse umzusetzen und die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen und Güter sicherzustellen. Wie…

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Public Accountability in Street-Level Bureaucracies: The Accountability Regimes Framework Prof. Eva Thomann

Eva Thomann presents her research, co-authored with Jörn Ege and James Maxia, as part of the Behavioural and Policy Sciences Seminar Series at the City University of Hong Kong. Their study proposes an Accountability Regimes Framework to explain how a hybrid implementation arrangement can create competing street-level accountabilities that translate into policy divergence, based on the case of the anti-terrorist “Prevent Duty” policy in Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom (UK).…

Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops go into first round!

The workshops offer cutting-edge, inclusive, and affordable methodological training in both qualitative and quantitative research design and techniques for PhD students and postdocs. Courses take place from March 10-11 (online preparatory course) and March 14-18, 2022 (online and in-person) at the University of Konstanz — beautifully situated at Lake Konstanz, close to the Alps and near the border to Switzerland and Austria.

Call for Panels and Papers: 11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union – Section “Regulatory Governance in the European Union”

The conference will take place on June 8 – 10 at the LUISS University in Rome, where Eva Thomann and Jonathan Zeitlin will co-chair the section “Regulatory Governance in the European Union”. The section invites panels and paper proposals on current trends and transformations of EU regulatory governance. The application deadline is December 15.

New textbook on Qualitative Comparative Analysis using R

Eva Thomann co-authored the textbook “Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R: A Beginner’s Guide”, which was published in October. The book offers a hands-on and practical introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) including data sets, examples scripts and template files as well as quizzes and exercises to facilitate the learning process.

Lecture by Eva Thomann at CIDE México

On the 15th of October, Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann was invited to speak at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), one of México’s top think tanks. Prof. Thomann spoke about public accountability in street-level bureaucracies as part of a series of lectures to doctoral students.

We are looking for a research assistant!

The working group is looking for a research assistant for a comparative project on corruption in public procurement in Germany and Italy during the COVID crisis.