


New PhD student: Theresa Küntzler

Prof. Shikano will serve as the first chair in the dissertation committee of Theresa Küntzler, PhD student in the Graduate School of Decision Sciences. We are very happy to welcome Theresa to the team!

New publication in Social Science Computer Review

Simon Munzert and Peter Selb recently published their study "Measuring Political Knowledge in Web-Based Surveys: An Experimental Validation of Visual Versus Verbal Instruments" in Social Science Computer Review Volume 35, Issue 2, 2017, p. 167-183.

Presentation at London School of Economics on May 4, 2017

On May 4, 2017, 16:15 - 17:45 Karsten Donnay speaks at the Data Science Seminar Series of the Social and Economic Data Science (SEDS) Research Unit in the Department of Methodology of the London School of Economics on the topic of "Integrating Conflict Event Data."

New publication in Rationality and Society

Susumu Shikano, Michael Stoffel and Markus Tepe recently published their study "Information Accuracy in Legislative Oversight: Theoretical Implications and Experimental Evidence" in Rationality and Society Volume 29, Issue 2, 2017, p. 226–254.

New Article in Journal of Information Technology and Politics

The article "Communication Power Struggles on Social Media: A Case Study of the 2011-12 Russian Protests" co-authored by Viktoria Spaiser, Thomas Chadefaux, Karsten Donnay, Fabian Russmann and Dirk Helbing analyzes public discourse during the 2011-12 Duma and presidential elections in Russia using a new Big Data mixed-methods approach.