High Performance Computing in the Social Sciences

This workshop focuses on applications of high performance computing (HPC) in the social sciences. It introduces, in particular, the Scientific Compute Cluster (SCC) at the University of Konstanz to which the CDM and the Department of Politics and Public Administration contribute as a shareholder.

The workshop is meant for master and PhD students as well as for researchers and faculty in the social and behavioral sciences interested in using computing resources in their research. The morning sessions introduce HPC and the SCC cluster in particular, while the afternoon sessions provide examples from ongoing research using such computing resources for hardware intensive statistical and simulation tasks. 

The workshop takes place on Friday July 12, 2019 in room G 309. No registration is required.


09:30 - 10:30Karsten Donnay: Introduction - HPC in the Social Sciences
10:45 - 11:45Stefan Gerlach: Introduction to the SCC Cluster
Lunch Break
13:15 - 14:15Susumu Shikano: Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference
14:30 - 15:30Karsten Donnay: Modelling the Subnational Risk of Acute Malnutrition using Massive Agent-Based Simulations
15:45 - 16:15Open Q&A Session

The workshop is funded by an infrastructure grant that is part of the excellence funding at the University of Konstanz.