Publications in 2017

Jungherr, Andreas. (2017). Einsatz Digitaler Technologie im Wahlkampf. In Harald Gapski, Monika Oberle, and Walter Staufer (eds.) Medienkompetenz als Herausforderung für Politik, politische Bildung und Medienbildung. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn (in German).

Donnay, Karsten, Andrew M. Linke, and Ravi Bhavnani. (2017). Generalizing Findings from Micro-Level Research on Peace and Conflict: Challenges and Solutions. In David Backer, Ravi Bhavnani, and Paul Huth (eds.) Peace and Conflict 2017. New York, NY: Routledge.

Donnay, Karsten. (2017). Big Data for Monitoring Political Instability. International Development Policy 8.1 (Online).

Jungherr, Andreas. (2017). Das Internet in der politischen Kommunikation: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven.  Politische Vierteljahresschrift 58(2): 284–315 (in German).

Jungherr,  Andreas and Yannis Theocharis (eds.). (2017). Special Issue: The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data.  Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14(2): 97–188.

Jungherr, Andreas and Yannis Theocharis. (2017). The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data.  Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14(2): 97–109.

Spaiser, Viktoria, Thomas Chadefaux, Karsten Donnay, Fabian Russmann and Dirk Helbing. (2017). Communication Power Struggles on Social Media: A Case Study of the 2011-12 Russian Protests. Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14(2): 132–153.

Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga, and Pascal Jürgens. (2017). Digital Trace Data in the Study of Public Opinion: An Indicator of Attention Toward Politics Rather Than Political SupportSocial Science Computer Review  35(3): 336–356.

Shikano, Susumu, Michael Stoffel and Markus Tepe. (2017) Legislative Oversight of the Bureaucracy: Insights from Formal Modeling and Experimental Testing. In Oliver James, Sebastian Jilke and Gregg Van Ryzin (eds.) Experiments in Public Management Research: Challenges and Contributions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, p. 394-414.

Shikano, Susumu, Michael Stoffel and Markus Tepe. (2017). Information Accuracy in Legislative Oversight: Theoretical Implications and Experimental Evidence. Rationality and Society 29(2): 226–254.

Munzert, Simon and Peter Selb. (2017). Measuring Political Knowledge in Web-Based Surveys: An Experimental Validation of Visual Versus Verbal Instruments. Social Science Computer Review 35(2): 167–183.