


New Publication in Review of International Political Economy

New article by Andreas Jungherr with Matthias Mader, Harald Schoen, and Alexander Wuttke on the difference between supporting free trade in the abstract and supporting specific trade agreements is out in Review of International Political Economy.

Presentation at Hertie School of Governance in Berlin on December 14, 2017

Sascha Göbel will introduce "legislatoR", a relational individual-level data package for the software environment R, at the Workshop on "Citizen and Elite Activity on Wikipedia". The package comprises political, sociodemographic, and Wikipedia-related data on elected politicians across the globe.

New Publication in Party Politics

Alexander Wuttke (U Mannheim), Andreas Jungherr, and Harald Schoen (U Mannheim) analyze the effects of an issue referendum on party members.

Neue Veröffentlichung: Datengestützte Verfahren in Wahlkämpfen

Kampagnenmachern, Journalisten und der Öffentlichkeit stellt sich die Frage nach dem Potential und möglichen Gefahren der Nutzung großer Datensätze und statistischer Modelle durch politische Organisationen. Auch wenn das Thema viel Aufmerksamkeit erhält, sind konkrete Nutzungsweisen und Wirkungen datengestützter Verfahren im Wahlkampf nur sehr vage umrissen und verstanden

New Article Published in International Development Policy

Karsten Donnay's article "Big Data for Monitoring Political Instability" discusses the role of big data in the context of SDG monitoring and discusses state-of-the-art approaches using these data in the context of political instability and violent conflict.

New PhD student: Sascha Goebel

Prof. Selb will serve as the first chair in the dissertation committee of Sascha Goebel, PhD student in the Graduate School of Decision Sciences. We are very happy to welcome Sascha to the team!