Sophie Moser is a research assistant and PhD student at the Chair of Organizational Behavior of Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze since October 2022. From 2016 to 2020, she studied political and administrative science at the University of Konstanz and at the University of Stockholm. Subsequently, she completed the Master of Arts in political and administrative Science with a specialization in Management at the University of Konstanz. During her studies, Sophie Moser worked as a tutor for the lecture "Human Resources and Organization" at the Chair of Organizational Behavior as well as a research assistant in the research project "Integration at Work". She also gained practical experience as an intern and as a student assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering in Stuttgart in the area of digitization of the working world and new work. Her research focuses on the topics of diversity in organizations and gender discrimination at the workplace.
- Moser, S., Reinwald, M., & Kunze, F. (2022). Does my leader care about my subgroup? A multilevel model of team faultlines, LMX quality, and employee absenteeism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(2), 234–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2022.2136522
- Kunze, F., Korman, B. A., Apostolidou, A., Diehl, C., Koos, S., Maué, E., Moser, S., Reinwald, M., & Schumann, S. (2023). How can young migrants be successfully integrated into the labor market? The Integration@Work project. [in German] Cluster of Excellece „The Politics of Inequality“ https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/handle/123456789/68658
- Moser, S. & Kunze, F. (2024). Parity, transparency, family friendliness - how the gender pay gap could get reduced. [in German] Cluster of Excellence „The Politics of Inequality” https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/handle/123456789/69484