The Global Burden of Terrorism

How many people fall victim to terrorist attacks?

The United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to promote peaceful societies and sets out goals to significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere (Sustainable Development Goal 16.1). Much of the world’s terrorism takes place in conflict countries, many rebel groups use terrorism as a tactic and a number of groups are alternatively referred to as terrorist or rebel organizations. Therefore, the discussion of the victims of terrorism has to consider armed conflict. 

The research project The Global Burden of Terrorism sought to gauge progress towards a more peaceful and secure world, aiming to measuring and monitoring violence. In order to do so, we compared the cost of terrorism to other forms of violence. 

Now published: Hoeffler, A., Kaiser, F., Pfeifle, B, Risse, F. (2022). Tracking the SDGs: A methodological note on measuring deaths caused by collective violence. The Economics of Peace & Security 17 (2).