Student assistants

Inga Mewes

Inga Mewes has worked as a research assistant at Professor Dirk Leuffen’s Chair of Political Science (especially International Politics) since July 2022. She has contributed to several projects (e.g., EU3D, CONSOLI) so far. Since October 2023, she is also a tutor for the BA-lecture on International Relations and European Integration.

Inga studies Politics and Public Administration (M.A.) specialising in International Relations and European Integration. To deepen her knowledge of the European Union (EU), she did an Erasmus semester at the Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven and a Schuman Traineeship at the European Parliament. Previously, she completed a Franco-German bachelor's degree in Political Science in Lüneburg and Paris.

Inga is particularly interested in European integration, EU institutions and decision-making in the EU, as well as Franco-German cooperation.


Max Heermann & Kris Inga Mewes

Chapter 3: The Future of Europe Debate in Germany: EU Reform Proposals by Political Parties and the Federal Government (2017-2021). In: Góra & Zgaga 2023.

Hannah Pütter


Hannah Pütter has been a student assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen since October 2023 to support him and his team in their work on the CONSOLI research project. Previously, she worked in the Research Group German Politics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber. 

Hannah is currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and English and is supplementing her interdisciplinary education with knowledge of European and international law. Her main focus is on the interactions between politics and law, especially in the context of the European Union and its migration policy.

Pascal Mounchid

Pascal Mounchid is a student assistant at the Chair of Political Science with a focus on International Politics of Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen since April 2020. He studies Political and Public Administration in the bachelor's program with a focus on quantitative research methods. Further interests include migration policy issues as well as distributional preferences within and between nation states.

He already gained first experiences at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy as well as in political youth and adult education.

Future of Europe Blog

Dirk Leuffen und Pascal Mounchid (09/2020)

Bringing Rhetorical Action Back In. Brexit and the Corona crisis show the strength of norm-based arguments