Statistics (POL-12200)

Office Hours Prof. Shikano: No office hours during the university vacation. Please contact the secretary.

If you are coming to Prof. Shikano's office hours (during the semester), please sign-up using the list on the door of room D 312.

Course Description

This lecture introduces the fundamentals of statistics in the social sciences building on the lecture "Empirical Research Methods".  The course covers topics ranging from descriptive statistics , inferential statistics and correlations to regression analysis and multivariate analyses. A particular emphasis is placed on a closer examination of the underlying processes and assumptions. The lecture aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of model based statistical inference. In the process, students will learn about probability theory and the fundamentals of statistical modeling and their different variants

The lectures takes place on Tuesdays 15.15-16.45 in A600 and the exercise on Wednesdays 10.00-11.30 also in A600.