Peter Selb

Professor of Research Methodology

I am a professor of survey research and I am currently in charge of the interdisciplinary Master's program in Social and Economic Data Science (SEDS). Prior to that I had been head of the Swiss Electoral Studies (Selects) and an assistant professor for research methods here at the Department of Politics and Public Administration. I received a doctoral degree in political science from the University of Zurich and a master's degree in political science, media and communication, and economic and social history from the University of Mannheim. My research covers topics in political behavior and public opinion, often with a methodological thrust. I am regularly teaching classes in survey methodology, causal inference, and statistical modelling.

Current news

New working paper with Julian Schuessler on Graphical Causal Models for Survey Inference

New working paper with Julian Schuessler on Graphical Causal Models for Survey Inference out on SocArXiv!

We demonstrate the usefulness of graphical causal models to communicate theoretical assumptions about the collection of survey data, to determine whether typical population parameters of interest to survey researchers can be recovered from a survey sample, and to support the choice of suitable adjustment strategies. Starting from graphical representations of prototypical selection…

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