Research Topics for BA and MA students

We are particularly interested in proposals for BA and MA thesis topics that are closely related to the research projects currently underway at the International Relations Chair. Please consult our research page and publication lists to figure out what we are doing and what we have done in the past. If any of the projects interests you, please get in touch with us. We are of course always open for additional research questions about which you care intensively.

The typical supervision starts with a discussion about your scientific interests and continues with the submission of two to three ideas in a subsequent session. Students are required to submit a research proposal of about two at the BA and ten to 15 pages at the MA level to the supervisor at least a week before they register their projects at the responsible exam office. Especially this last requirement might seem demanding. But it is the best insurance against those ills that hamper your ambition to fully develop your intellectual potential.

Proposals should contain a clear motivation of what you intend to do. You need to spell out a clear causal mechanism for your main hypothesis. Please be as specific as possible about the research design (case selection, operationalization of key variables etc.). You can employ any kind of testing strategy as long as the methods you choose are adequate for your scientific inquiry.

We look forward to experiencing an intensive and successful supervision period with you!

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