Replication Data

The replication data for all members of the chair are organized below by year of publication:



Patrick M. Weber/Gerald Schneider 2020. How Many Hands to Make Sanctions Work? Unilateral vs. Multilateral Economic Statecraft. European Economic Review 130 (November) (doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103595)

Do File


Gerald Schneider, Nadine Segadlo and Miriam Leue: Forty-Eight Shades of Germany: Positive and Negative Discrimination in Federal Asylum Decision Making; in: German Politics




Federica Genovese, Gerald Schneider. Smoke with fire: Financial crises and the demand for parliamentary oversight in the European Union. Review of International Organizations  (2020)

Eurocrisis Data-File

Historical Data




Friederike Luise Kelle: To Claim or Not to Claim? How Territorial Value Shapes Demands for Self-Determination, Comparative Political Studies ( doi:10.1177/0010414016666837 )

Dietrich Druener, Heike Klüver, Ellen Mastenbroek and Gerald Schneider: The core or the winset? Explaining decision-making duration and policy change in the European Union, Comparative European Politics (doi: 10.1057/cep.2015.26)

Federica Genovese, Pia Wassmann and Gerald Schneider: The Eurotower Strikes Back: Crises, Adjustments and Europe's Austerity Strikes, Comparative Political Studies.
(doi: 10.1177/0010414015626444)

Margit Bussmann and Gerald Schneider: A Porous Humanitarian Shield: The Laws of War, the Red Cross, and the Killing of Civilians, Review of International Organization. (doi: 10.1007/s1155-015-9233-9)

Paulina Pospieszna and Gerald Schneider: "Dispute or Mediator? The Selection and Effectiveness of Conflict Management in Civil Wars"


Hanja Blendin und Gerald Schneider: Grenzen der rationalen Abschreckung: Psychologische Korrelate von agressivem Verhalten in experimentellen Krisenverhandlungsspielen, PVS Sonderheft 2015. (

Laura Albarracin, Lilli Banholzer and Gerald Schneider: "Ordered Rape: A Principal-Agent Analysis of Wartime Sexual Violence in the DR Congo" in "Violence against women". (doi: 10.1177/1077801215593645)

Gerald Schneider, Stefanie Bailer and Mikko Mattila: Money Makes the EU Go Round: The Objective Foundations of Conflict in the Council of Minister. Journal of Common Market Studies 53(3): 437-456 (doi: 10.1111/jcms.12194).


Gerald Schneider: "Nothing succeeds like success: The past and future of European political science", PSRM 2(2), 2014

Gerald Schneider: "Forecasting Political Developments with the help of Financial Markets", (chapter 9, p. 306 in Predicting the Future in Science, Economics and Politics, Frank Whelon Wayman, Paul R. Williamson, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Solomon Polachec eds. Edward Elgar)

Adam Scharpf, Gerald Schneider, Anna Nöh and Aaron Clauset: "Forecasting the Risk of Extreme Massacres in Syria"  (This is an updated and revised version of the 2013 article in Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung)

Constantin Ruhe, Gerald Schneider und Gabriele Spilker: "Quantitative Methoden in den Internationalen Beziehungen" in Handbuch der Internationalen Politik, Hrsg. Frank Sauer und Carlo Masala, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (2. Auflage 2014)

Ursula Daxecker and Gerald Schneider: "Who invites Whom? The Causes and Consequences of Multilateral Election Monitoring" In Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank and Ferran Martinez I Coma Eds. Advancing Electoral Integrity. New York: Oxford University Press, April 2014



Gerald Schneider and Federica Genovese: "Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises, Institutional Reform, and the Future of EU Democracy"

Hanja Blendin und Gerald Schneider: „Nicht jede Form von Stress mindert die Entscheidungsqualität: Ein Laborexperiment zur Grouplink-Theorie“
Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, DOI 10.1007/978-3-531-19606-0_3, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2012

Lilli Banholzer, Gerald Schneider and Michael Odenwald: "Hoobes vs. Mill: Anarchy, Development, and Demobilization in the Somalian Civil War"

Christian Fahrholz and Gerald Schneider: "A not so delicate sound of Europeaness. European Fiscal Policy Events and the Euro-Dollar Risk Premium". Bank i Kredyt 43 (1) 5-26.

Gerald Schneider, Margit Bussmann and Constantin Ruhe: "The Dynamics of Mass Killings: Testing Time-Series Models of One-Sided Violence in the Bosnian Civil War". International Interactions 38

Atsushi Tago und Gerald Schneider: The Political Economy of Arms Export Restrictions: The Case of Japan; in "Japanese Journal of Political Science" (2012)


Gerald Schneider and Nina Wiesehomeier: "Diversity, Conflict and Growth: Theory and Evidence." In Diversity, 2 (2010): 1097-1117.

Nicole Koenig und Gerald Schneider: "Diplomaten zwischen Sozialisation und Kalkül: Bestimmungsfaktoren des Berufserfolgs im Auswärtigen Dienst." In Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51/2 (2010).

Michael Bechtel and Gerald Schneider: "Eliciting Substance from ‘Hot Air’: Financial Market Responses to EU Summit Decisions on European Defense."  In International Organization, 64 (2010):199-223.

Gerald Schneider, Daniel Finke and Stefanie Bailer: "Bargaining Power in the European Union." In Political Studies, 58/1 (2010): 85-103.


Nina Wiesehomeier, Gerald Schneider und Constanze-Sophie Braun: "Die Vereinbarkeit des Unvereinbaren? Wirtschaft und Identität als gemeinsame Bürgerkriegsursachen." Politische Vierteljahresschrift Sonderheft, 43: 445-470. (“The Compatibility of the Incompatible? Economy and Identity as Joint Causes of Civil War Onset”, Journal of the German Political Science Association).

Nicolas Rost, Gerald Schneider and Johannes Kleibl: A Global Risk Assessment Model for Civil Wars.  In Social Science Research, 38/4 (2009): 921-933.


Gerald Schneider and Nina Wieshomeier: Rules that matter - Political Institutions and the Polarization-Conflict Nexus. Journal of Peace Research.


Gerald Schneider, Daniel Finke and Konstantin Baltz:"With a Little Help from My State: Interest Intermediation in the Domestic Pre-Negotiations of EU Legislation" Journal of European Public Policy 14 (2007).

Margit Bussmann and Gerald Schneider: "When Globalization Discontent turns violent: Foreign Economic Liberalization and Internal War." International Studies Quarterly 51/1 (2007).


Gerald Schneider and Vera Tröger: " War and the World Economy: Stock Market reactions to International Conflicts, 1990-2000" Journal of Conflict Resolution (October).

Thilo Bodenstein and Gerald Schneider: "Capitalist Junctures: Explaining Economic Openness in the Transition Countries". European Journal of Political Research 45/3 (2006)

Gerald Schneider and Gabriele Ruoff: "Segregation in the Classroom. An Empirical Test of the Schelling Model." Rationality and Society 18/1 (2006)


Lena-Maria Schaffer und Gerald Schneider: "Die Prognosegüte von Wahlbörsen und Meinungsumfragen zur Bundestagswahl 2005." Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 46/4 (2005)

Margit Bussmann, Gerald Schneider and Nina Wiesehomeier: "Foreign Economic Liberalization and Peace: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa". European Journal of International Relations 11/4 (2005)

Gerald Schneider. 2005. "Capacity and Concessions: An Essay on Bargaining Power in Multilateral Negotiations". Millennium 33/3

Christina Zimmer, Gerald Schneider and Michael Dobbins: "The Contested Council: The Conflict Dimensions of an Intergovernmental Institution." Political Studies 53/2 (2005)


Gerald Schneider and Ulrike Sabrina Krämer: "The Limitations of Fair Division. An Experimental Evaluation of Three Procedures", Journal of Conflict Resolution 48/4 (August 2004)


Margit Bussmann, Harald Scheuthle und Gerald Schneider: "Die Friedensdividende der Globalisierung: Außenwirtschaftliche Öffnung und innenpolitische Stabilität in den Entwicklungsländern." Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44/3 (2003)

Thilo Bodenstein, Thomas Plümper and Gerald Schneider: "Two sides of economic openness: non-tariff barriers to trade and capital controls in transition countries, 1993-2000." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 36 (2003): 231-243.

Ulrike Sabrina Krämer und Gerald Schneider: "Faire Formeln. Psychologische und prozedurale Einflussfaktoren auf die Lösung von distributiven Konflikten." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55/1: 55-68.


Gerald Schneider: "Goethe ist nicht überall. Eine empirische Analyse der Standortentscheidungen in der Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik." Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Juni 2000, 7/1:5-32.

Gerald Schneider, Thomas Holzer and Thomas Widmer: "The Impact of Legislative Deterrence Measures on Swiss Refugee Policy, 1986-1995." International Migration Review 34/4 (2000):1182-1216.