Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger

Rector of the University of Konstanz

Chair of International Politics
Department of Politics and Public Administration

I am a Professor of International Politics at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz since 2007. I am currently the Rector of the University of Konstanz and have been Vice-Rector for International and Equal Opportunities from 2009 to 2012, and Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration from
2018 to 2020. Before I joined the University of Konstanz I was a Professor of Government and Director at the Centre for Globalisation and Governance at the University of Hamburg since 2004; a senior research fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for the Research in Collective Goods (1998-2004) and at the Social Science Research Center in Berlin (1993-1997), interrupted by a Jean Monnet Fellowship at the European University Institute (2002/03). I hold a diploma degree from the University of Munich (LMU), a PhD from the University of Augsburg and received my habilitation at the University of Bamberg.

My current research focuses on traditional governance in Africa and indigenous peoples around the world and their relation to internal conflict, democracy and social and political inequality. Further, I am interested in communicative methods of conflict management, such as bargaining, arguing mediation and deliberation with a focus on automated analysis of political communication. Earlier research subjects included the European Union - differentiated integration and decision-making in multi-level systems, and European and international environmental policy.

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Publication list

  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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