

1. Monograph

2012. Party-Voter Linkage in Ghana and Senegal: A Comparative Perspective. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.  

2. Journals (peer-reviewed)

Revise and Resubmit

“Post-conflict democratization in Sierra Leone: The role of the parliament, Journal of Legislative Studies

“Presidential term limits and regime types: When do leaders respect constitutional norms?”, Africa Spectrum


2018. “Elite Theory and Political Transitions: Networks of Power in Ghana and Togo”, Comparative Politics, 51(1): 21–42.

2018. “Like father, like son? Power and influence across two Gnassingbé presidencies in Togo”, Democratization, 25(8): 1460–80.  

2018. with Thomas Malang. “Party, ethnicity, or region? Determinants of informal political exchange in the parliament of Ghana”, Party Politics, 24(4), 410–420.

2016. “Formal Party Organisation and Informal Relations in African Parties: Evidence from Ghana”, The Journal of Modern African Studies 54(1): 37-66.

2015. “Elites and Democracy in Ghana: A Social Network Approach”, African Affairs 114 (457): 529–54.  

2014. “From Conflict to Consensus? Elite Integration and Democracy in Ghana”, Comparative Sociology 13 (4), 503-530. 

2013. “Political Parties in Ghana: Agents of Democracy?”, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 31 (4), 543-563.

2013. “Party-Voter Linkage in Senegal: The Rise and Fall of Abdoulaye Wade and the Parti Démocratique Sénégalais”, Journal of African Elections 12, 1, 84-108.

2013. “Party System Institutionalization in Ghana and Senegal”, Journal of Asian and African Studies 48, 5, 577-593. 

2006. “La connexion entre les partis et les électeurs en Afrique: Le cas Ghanéen”, Politique Africaine N°104.

Under review

“Vicious cycles: candidate selection, vertical accountability, and MPs’ performance in Sierra Leone”, under review in Review of African Political Economy  

3. Chapters in edited volumes

2019. (with Dominik Balthasar). “Collaborating for Peace. An Analysis of Networks of Cooperation in Somalia”. In War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab, eds. Michael Keating and Matt Waldman. New York: Oxford University Press, 477–88. 

2018. (with Hervé Akinocho) “Constitutional Policies: Presidential Term Limits in Togo”, in Policy Styles and Policy-Making: Exploring the Linkages, edited by Michael Howlett and Jale Tosun, Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 

Forthcoming „Elites and Political Representation in West Africa”, in Elites, Cultures, and the Politics of Accountability in Africa, edited by Rogers Orock and Wale Adebanwi, Michigan University Press.

2017. “Elites and Democracy in Ghana: A Social Network Approach”, in Nic Cheeseman, Lindsay Whitfield, & Carl Death (Eds.), The African Affairs Reader: Key Texts in Politics, Development, and International Relations (pp. 227–252). Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 

2014. “The 2012 Senegalese Presidential Elections”, in Lodge, Tom & Fakir, Ebrahim (eds.): African Political Parties. Johannesburg: Jacana Media.

4. Work in progress

MIASA Working Papers (in preparation; peer-reviewed for the MIASA Working Paper Series)

(with Matthew Sabbi, Daniel Wigmore-Shepherd, Jules Ahlin) “Local level politics and political trust: Some insights from Ghanaian constituencies”

(with Daniel Wigmore-Shepherd and Gbensuglo Alidu Bukari) “Ethnicity, political appointments, and two-party systems in Ghana and Sierra Leone”

(with Daniel Wigmore-Shepherd and Gbensuglo Alidu Bukari) “Legislative networks and executive appointments”

(with Seidu Alidu, Hervé Akinocho and Matthew Sabbi) “Institutional variation in African legislatures: A new typology”

(with Christian Wali Wali, Hervé Akinocho and Jules Ahlin) “Elite unity, political geography, and democratization: The case of Gabon”


“Studies on African Political Regimes – State of the Art and Avenues for Future Research”

“Parlamente in Autokratien: Forschungsüberblick und Forschungsagenda”

(with Thomas Malang). “How to Lose Your Seat: Social networks and re-election in the parliament of Ghana”

 “Who Talks to the Chief and Who Builds the Party? Constituency Level Electoral Politics in Ghana, Togo, and Sierra Leone”.

(mit Carlo Koos). “Female MPs and Social Development”.

5. Other Journals

2007. „Parteien und gesellschaftliche Verankerung in Ghana”, KAS Auslandsinformationen Juli 2007, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). 

6. Book Reviews

2008. Amoah, Michael: Reconstructing the Nation in Africa. In: Africa Today, 55/1, 2008. 127-130.  

7. Blog

“Political Parties and Democracy in Ghana”, for the Weblog “Democracy in Africa”  

8. Media 

“A tug of war in Togo over term limits and the distribution of power” The Conversation, 01.08.2018  

With Hervé Akinocho, Director of CROP (Centre de Recherche et de Sondage d'Opinions). Press Conference on the results of the project “Elite networks in Africa, Case Study Togo”, hosted by the EU Delegation, 14.12.2015, Lomé, Togo.

Media coverage of the event: CROP:  

Republic of Togo:  

Discours de conférence et papiers

2018. “Presidential term limits and regime types: When do autocracies respect constitutional norms?”. Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Tagung in Frankfurt am Main, September 2018.

2017. “Is the Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? Government and Opposition Interactions in an               Authoritarian Legislature: The Case of Togo”. European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) der Africa Europe Group of African Studies (ECAS), Basel, July 2017.

2016. (with Axel Bayer). “Parliamentary Discussion Networks and Regime Types in Africa:  Comparing Ghana, Togo, and Zambia”. MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association) Conference in Chicago, April 2017.

2016. “Like father, like son? Hereditary Succession and Political Continuity in Togo”, International Political Science Association (IPSA), July 2016, Poznan.

2015. “Deviant cases and the contribution of elite theory to democratization studies: Comparative insights from Ghana and Togo”, European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) der Africa Europe Group of African Studies (Aegis), June 2015, Paris.

2015. (with Thomas Malang) “Explaining informal cooperation in the Parliament of Ghana”, Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2015, Chicago, USA.

2015. “Deviant cases and the contribution of elite theory to democratization studies: Comparative insights from Ghana and Togo”, World Regions Compared: Polity, Politics and Policy, DVPW Comparative Political Science Section Conference, February 2015, Hamburg.

2015. “Like Fatherlike Son? Electoral Authoritarianism and Political Continuity in Togo”, World Regions Compared: Polity, Politics and Policy, DVPW Comparative Political Science Section Conference, February 2015, Hamburg.

2014. “Elite Networks and Democracy in Ghana”, VAD (Verein der Afrikanisten in Deutschland)-Conference, June 2014, Bayreuth.

2013. “From conflict to consensus? Elite integration in Ghana”, Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), 4-7 September, Bordeaux, France.

2013. “Staatliche Fragilität im Sahelraum”, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS), Seminar für Sicherheitspolitik 2013.

2012. “A consensually united elite in Ghana?”, African Studies Association Conference, 30 November 2012 – 01 December 2012, Philadelphia, USA.

2012. “Elite networks in Africa”, International conference on Domestic Elites and Public Opinion – The Neglected Dimension of Externally Induced Democratization, 5-7 September, University of Konstanz.

2012. “Who governs in Africa? Social origin and career patterns of political elites in Africa”, VAD (Verein der Afrikanisten in Deutschland)-Conference Embattled Spaces – Contested Orders / Umkämpfte Räume – Umstrittene Ordnungen, 30 May – 1 June, Köln, Germany.

2011. “Political Parties in Ghana: Agents of Democracy?”, European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) der Africa Europe Group of African Studies (Aegis), 15-18 June, Uppsala, Sweden.  

2011. “Personalised Politics in the Senegalese PDS: (Neo)Patrimonial or Charismatic Authority? Reflections on Weber’s types  and their application to Africa” European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) der Africa Europe Group of African Studies (Aegis), 15-18 June, Uppsala, Sweden.  

2011. “Building Hegemony? Elites in Africa between Integration and Fragmentation”, Dreiländertagung of SVPW, DVPW and ÖGPW, Workshop Statehood in Africa. 14 January 2011, Basel, Switzerland.

2011. “Parteien und ihre soziale Verankerung: Direkte und indirekte Linkages in Ghana und Senegal.“ Vortrag bei der Dreiländertagung of SVPW, DVPW and ÖGPW, Workshop Was integriert (noch)? 14 January 2011, Basel, Switzerland.

2009. „The Politics of Money? Reconsidering Electoral Clientelism in Africa“. Paper presented at the biennual conference of the Africa Europe Group of African Studies (Aegis), 04-07 June 2009, Leipzig.

2007. „Parties and voters in Africa: Comparing Ghana and Senegal.” Paper presented at the biennual conference of the Africa Europe Group of African Studies (Aegis), 11-14 July, Leiden, The Netherlands.

2007. „The African Exception? Universelle und partikulare Konzeptionen in der Afrikaforschung“, Workshop of the Young Scientist Section of the VAD (Association of Scholars of African Studies in Germany), 23 – 24 June, University of Bonn.

2005. „Political Parties in Africa“, Workshop „Political Legitimacy in Africa“, German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ), 23 March 2005, Eschborn.

2004. „Demokratie and Development“, Workshop „Democracy – a solution to all problems?”, Studienbegeleitprogramms Sachsen (STUBE), Ökumenisches Informationszentrum Dresden e.V. (ÖIZ), 17-19 December 2004, Dresden.