Programme Graduation Ceremony 2024

Saturday, 4 May 2024, 2 pm, R 712

Welcome address by the Head of the Department

Professor Anke Hoeffler

Farewell to the graduates

Honoring and ceremonial presentation of certificates

Award presentation

Prizes of the Alumni Association of the University of Konstanz e.V. (VEUK)

Greetings from the graduates

Presentation of the final theses awarded with a VEUK prize

Alvin Karl Bürck (B.A. Politics and Public Administration), "The Influence of Political Trust on Trade Policy Preferences"

Larissa Möckel (B.A. Politics and Public Administration), "Finanzskandal made in Germany? Eine kausale Prozessanalyse des Behördenversagens im Fall Wirecard"

David Danner (M.A. Politics and Public Administration), "Fit and Misfit of Desired and Actual Telework Extent During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Measuring Effects on Job Satisfaction and Performance"

Lucas Kori Leonhard (M.A. Politics and Public Administration), "Boon and Bane? Heterogeneous Effects of Development Aid Projects in Post-War Countries: Evidence from a Sectorally and Spatially Disaggregated Analysis"

Daniela Marion Blumberg (M.Sc. Social and Economic Data Science), "Visual Analytics for Cluster Detection on Financial Time Series"

Musical accompaniment 

Jazz-Combo of the University of Konstanz

  • David Krieger - trumpet
  • Luca Horray - piano
  • Lucas Eber - drums
  • Lukas Götz - bass

Selected pieces of music:

  • There will never be another you
  • The Chicken
  • ⁠Beautiful Love
  • ⁠Sunny

Festive reception

Following the ceremony, we cordially invite you to a champagne reception on K7