Longitudinal Party Member Survey

CDU Berlin

This dataset consists of a two-panel survey among members of CDU Berlin. All members with valid eMail addresses were invited to participate in the survey. The invitation was send out by the party secretariat with personalized links. The survey was conducted online, using the software Unipark. At no time it was possible for either CDU Berlin or the team of researchers to link answers in the survey to specific party members. The questionnaire consists of socio-demographic information, psychological constructs, political knowledge, media consumption, issue positions and political values, attitudes towards state politics and questions about the state party.

Reference: Wuttke, A, Jungherr, A, Schoen, H (2017) Longitudinal Party Member Survey. CDU Berlin: GESIS Data Archive. DOI: 10.7802/1533.

Linked Publication: Wuttke, A, Jungherr, A, Schoen, H (2017) More than opinion expression. Party Politics (Online First) DOI: 10.1177/1354068817745729