Prof. Dr. Steffen Eckhard

Steffen Eckhard is Professor of Public Administration and Public Policy at Zeppelin University and affiliated with the Department of Politics and Management and the Center of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the University of Konstanz.

Located at the intersection of public administration, organization studies, and digital humanities, he studies the management of public organizations and how they make an impact on politics and society.

Steffen heads several third-party funded research projects that cover a variety of topics in public administration, including public service encounters at the street-level, hybrid organizations at the boundary of the public and non-profit sector, and international public administrations in global policy-making. And he has published over a dozen books and articles on these topics.

Selected Publications

Eckhard, S., Lenz, A., Seibel, W., Roth, F. & Fatke, M. (2020). Latent Hybridity in Administrative Crisis Management: The German Refugee Crisis of 2015/16. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Eckhard, S., & Jankauskas, V. (2020). Explaining the political use of evaluation in international organizations. Policy Sciences 53, 667–695. Doi: 10.1007/s11077-020-09402-2

Eckhard, S. (2020). Bridging the citizen gap: Bureaucratic representation and knowledge linkage in (international) public administration. Governance.

Eckhard, S. & A. Lenz (Mai 2020). Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Krisenmanagements in der Covid-19 Pandemie. Konstanzer Online-Publikations-System (KOPS). URL:

Schönfeld, M., Eckhard, S., Patz, R., & van Meegdenburg, H. (2019). The UN Security Council debates 1995-2017. arXiv preprint at:

Eckhard, S., Patz, R., & Schmid, S. (2018). Reform efforts, synchronization failure, and international bureaucracy: The case of the UNESCO budget crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(11), 1639-1656.

Eckhard, S., & Dijkstra, H. (2017). Contested implementation: the unilateral influence of member states on peacebuilding policy in Kosovo. Global Policy 8(5), 102-112.

Bauer, M., Knill, C., & Eckhard, S. (eds.) (2017). International bureaucracy: Challenges and lessons for public administration research. Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Eckhard, S. (2016). International assistance to police reform: Managing peacebuilding. Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.