Publications in 2013

Selb, Peter, Michael Herrmann, Simon Munzert, Thomas Schübel and Susumu Shikano. (2013). Forecasting Runoff Elections Using Candidate Evaluations From First Round Exit Polls. International Journal of Forecasting 29(4): 541–547.

Jungherr, Andreas and Pascal Jürgens. (2013). Forecasting the Pulse: How Deviations From Regular Patterns in Online Data Can Identify Offline Phenomena. Internet Research 23(5): 589–607.

Leuffen, Dirk, Susumu Shikano and Stefanie Walter. (2013). Measurement and Data Aggregation in Small-n Social Scientific Research. European Political Science 12(1): 40–51.

Taagepera, Rein, Peter Selb and Bernard Grofman. (2013). How Turnout Depends on the Number of Parties: A Logical Model. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 24(4): 393–413.

Jungherr, Andreas. (2013). Die Rolle des Internets in deutschen Wahlkämpfen. ZPB Zeitschrift für Politikberatung 6(2): 88–93.

Jungherr, Andreas. (2013). Tweets and Votes, a Special Relationship: The 2009 Federal Election in Germany. In Proceedings of PLEAD ’13: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Politics, Elections and Data. New York, NY: ACM. p. 5–14.

Perc, Matjaz, Karsten Donnay and Dirk Helbing. (2013). Understanding Recurrent Crime as System-Immanent Collective Behavior. PLoS ONE 8(10):e76063.

Selb, Peter and Simon Munzert. (2013). Voter Overrepresentation, Vote Misreporting and Turnout Bias in Postelection Surveys. Electoral Studies 32(1): 186–196.

Bailer, Stefanie, Peter Meißner, Tamaki Ohmura and Peter Selb. (2013). Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag – eine Analyse über Karrierewege und ihre Auswirkungen. Heidelberg: Springer VS (in German).

Jungherr, Andreas. (2013). Digitale Werkzeuge als Teil der Infrastruktur politischer (22/07/2013). Reprinted in: Klas Roggenkamp and Sebastian Schmidtsdorf (eds.) #BTW13: Bundestagswahl 2013 – Themen, Tools, Wahlkampf. Berlin/Brüssel: polisphere e.V., p. 142–145 (in German).

Jungherr, Andreas. (2013). Schleppender Beginn: Deutsche Politiker entdecken Twitter nur zögerlich. Internationale Politik 2013 März/April: 54–59 (in German).