Completed Doctoral and Habilitation Projects

On this website, you can get an overview of the completed theses of the recent years

Doctoral Theses (since 2015)


Philipp Lutscher: Censor & Contend: The Use of Denial-of-Service Attacks in Autocracies (Supervisor: Prof. Dr Nils Weidmann)

Clara Neupert-Wentz: Local Customary Institutions and Conflict (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger)

Max Reinwald: Putting Workplace Demography in Context: A Cross-Level Perspective (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze)

Joschka Proksik: Peacebuilding and Organized Crime in Kosovo: From International Administration to State Capture (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel)

Mario Krauser: From Resource Control to Major Assets: How Actors in Command of Mineral and Oil Extraction Shape Local Development (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kristian Skrede Gleditsch)

Philipp Kling: Left or Right? Awareness of Social Media Consumption (Supervisor: JunProf Dr. Karsten Donnay)

Julian Schüssler: Causal Graphs in Political Methodology (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Selb)

Sandra Morgenstern: Political Information & Migration (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Christian Breunig)


Theresa Goecke: The Nature and Role of Subjective Age in Organisations (Spervisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze)

Sebastian Tillmann: Antecedent Conditions of Shared Leadership (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner)

Lorenz Wiese: Refugees Welcome? How Germany, Canada, and Australia respond to Contemporary Migration (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel)

Yiyi Chen: Mediation Paradoxes Revisited: Selection Issues in the Mediation of Violent Disputes (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider)

Daniela Kroll: The European Council and EU Decision-Making: Keeping a Watchful Eye on the Council? (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen)

Hendrik Platte-Burghardt: Lobbyists Abroad? Diaspora Influence on the Relations Between the Home and the Host Country (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen)

Patrick Weber: The Imposition and Effectiveness of Sanctions: “It’s the Economy, Stupid!” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider)

Sebastian Hellmeier: The Causes and Consequences of Pro-Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nils Weidmann)


Yvonne Hegele: Bureaucratic Coordination in Horizontal Intergovernamental Relations: The Case of Germany (Supervisor: Prof. Nathalie Behnke)

Hanno Degner: Crisis and Integration. Explaining Regional Integration in Europe in Response to Transboundary Crisis 1993-2015 (Supervisor: Prof. Dirk Leuffen)

Axel Bayer: Ensuring each other´s post? Exploring Personal Ties between Politicians and Traditional Leaders(Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Anastasia Ershova: Not So Powerless After All: Assessing the EU Commission´s Discretionary Power (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Julia Göhringer: Hot Air or Costly Commitment? Natural Resources and Sustainability Requirements (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Christian Person: Fiskalische Rückwirkungen kommunaler Finanzausgleichssysteme auf die Gemeindefinanzen (Supervisor: Prof. Nathalie Behnke)

Konstantin Käppner: Disentangling Endogenous Dynamics in Turnout and Vote Choice (Supervisor: Prof. Susumu Shikano)

Christin  Wohlrath: Faktoren des Mitarbeitermisstrauens - Welche Wahrnehmungen der Mitarbeitenden prägen die Bildung von Misstrauen in die Unternehmensführung? (Supervisor: Prof. Florian Kunze)

Marius Bayer: Deliberation in the Lab - The Effect of Communication on Information Sharing, Cooperation, and Consensus (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Johannes Tratzmiller: Die Kehrtwende in der deutschen Atompolitik nach Fukushima - Detailanalyse eines politischen Entscheidungsprozesses (Supervisor: Prof. Volker Schneider)


Daniela Behr: Traditional Institutions of Governance: Friend or Foe of Development? (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Dominik Lober: Self-Interest and Solidarity in the "Silver Age" of the Welfare State: Older People's Preferences for Youth- Oriented Social Spending in Times of Scarce Resources (Supervisor: Prof. Marius Busemeyer)

Annerose Nisser: Cross-Ethnic Interactions and the Influence of Politics Evidence from Online Spaces and a Field Experiment in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Supervisor: Prof. Nils Weidmann)

Kelvin Munisi: Governance of Transboundary Water Resources: Lake Victoria Basin in a Three Country Quandary (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Daniela Beier: The Policy Consequences of the European Project: From Politics to Policies in the EU and the Member States (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Breuning)

Heike Isabell Brugger: Local Policy Networks - Actors, Challenges and Cooperation in the Case of the German Energy Transition (Supervisor: Prof. Volker Schneider)

Thomas Jörg Afflerbach: Identity Constructing, Trusting and Virtual Peer Monitoring to Bridge the Boundaries in Hybrid Virtual Teams (Supervisor: Prof. Antoinette Weibel)

Kerstin Schembera: Same Same But Different The Effects of ASEAN Enlargement on Regional Norm Dynamics (Supervisor: Prof. Dirk Leuffen)

Arpita Khanna: The Oil Curse Revisited: Ownership Matters (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Erik Neimanns: Public opinion and social investment: How political-institutional context shapes support and opposition towards expanding childcare (Supervisor: Prof. Marius Busemeyer)

Ines Imbert: An inquiry into the material and ideational dimensions of policymaking - A case study of fuel poverty in Germany (Supervisor: Prof. Volker Schneider)

Julian Junk: International Politics of Attention: How Humanitarian Interventions and Peace Operations Emerge (Supervisor: Prof. Wolfgang Seibel)

Friederike Kelle: To Claim or not to Claim? Territory, Violence and Framing in Subnational Demands for Self-Determination (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Julien Neubert: Kontinuität und Wandel der Sozialdemokratie: Programmatische und organisatorische Reformen sozialdemokratischer Parteien in Westeuropa (Supervisor: Prof. Sven Jochem)

Andreas Raschzok: Wandel und Persistenz in der Drogenpolitik: Eine Untersuchung zur Regulierung der Nachfrage nach illegalen Drogen in Europa (Supervisor: Prof. Christoph Knill)


Espen Geelmuyden Rød: Protest Dynamics in Autocracies (Supervisor: Prof. Nils Weidmann)

Niklas Harder: Intrinsic Motivation in Party Politics: Explaining the full range of political behavior (Supervisor: Prof. Susumu Shikano)

Markus Hertrampf: High Performance Work Systems und  Unternehmenserfolg - Eine empirsche Studie zu Meditations- und Moderationseffekten (Supervisor: Prof. Sabine Boerner)

Wiebke Hoffmann: The influence of human rights violations on international economic interactions (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Florian Kern: A Town Too Small for the Both of Us? The State, Traditional Authorities, and the Coordination of Public Goods Provision in East Africa (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Daniela Kromrey: African Traditions of Democracy - Assessing the Democraticness of Traditional Political Systems and their Effects on Democracy in Africa (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Verena Mack: The Fingerprints of Fraud: An Indepth Study of Election Forensics with Digit Tests (Supervisor: Prof. Susumu Shikano)

Kerstin Nebel: Leben und sterben lassen - Die Regulierung der embryonalen Stammzellforschung und Sterbehilfe in Deutschland (Supervisor: Prof. Christoph Knill)

Nurjamal Omurkanova: Is Oil to Blame for Corruption? A Cross-National Test of an Institutional Explanation (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider) 

Sabine Ott: The Grass Is Always Greener? Armed Group’ Side Switching in Civil Conflicts (Supervisor: Prof. Nils Weidmann)

Caroline Preidel: Zwischen Lebenschutz und Ökonomie - Parlamentarische Abstimmungen über den Embryonenschutz im Deutschen Bundestag (Supervisor: Prof. Christoph Knill) 

Meike Wiemann: Managing Free Riding in Knowledge-Intensive Teamwork through Peers' Informal Team-Based Control (Supervisor: Prof. Antoinette Weibel)


Tim Balint: Mechanismen administrativen Wandels in internationalen Organisationen - Eine vergleichende Analyse von Verwaltungsreformen in der Europäischen Kommission und den Sekretariaten von FAO, OECD und WTO (Supervisor: Prof. Christoph Knill)

Thomas Duttle: Explaining Differentiated Integration at the EU Member State Level: An Empirical Comparison of Three European Integration Theories (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Steffen Hurka: The conditional impact of rampage shootings on gun policies in Western Europe, 1990-2010 (Supervisor: Prof. Christoph Knill)

Julia Keh: The Design and Evolution of the Instruments of Parliamentary Policy Statements in Western Europe (Prof. Ulrich Sieberer)

Weizhun Mao: In WTO We Trust? International Institutions and Domestic Interactions (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Alexander Mertes: Soziotechnische Innovation im Gesundheitswesen - Eine Fallstudie zur Einführung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte (Supervisor: Prof. Volker Schneider)

Simon Munzert: Contributions to the Measurement of Public Opinion in Subpopulations (Prof. Peter Selb)

Marcin Orzechowski: Heating up the Conflict: Climate Change and the Risk of Violent Conflict in Africa 1990 - 2009 (Supervisor: Prof. Katharina Holzinger)

Constantin Ruhe: Diplomacy against Escalating Violence - Disaggregating the Relationship between Mediation and Conflict Intensity (Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Schneider)

Heike Schütter: Internationales Personalmanagement in multinationalen Unternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse der Interaktion zwischen Arbeit und Familie im Entsendungskontext (Supervisor: Prof. Nathalie Behnke)

Janis Vossiek: Collective Skill Formation in Liberal Market Economies? The Politics of Training Reforms in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia (Supervisor: Prof. Marius Busemeyer)

Habilitation Theses (since 2012)

Michael Herrmann: Heuristisches und überlegtes Entscheiden in Wahlen. Beiträge zur politischen Verhaltensforschung, 2018.

Sonja Grimm: Studies of International Democracy Promotion in Post-conflict Societies and Fragile States, 2017.

Martin Elff: Politischer Wettbewerb und Gesellschaft: Empirische und methodische Beiträge zur Analyse ihrer Wechselbeziehungen, 2013.

Ulrich Sieberer: MPs, Parties and Institutions. Rational Choice Institutionalist Studies of Parliamentary Behavior in European Democracies, 2013.

Isabel Stadelmann-Steffen: Institutional structure as behavioural context: Welfare state policy, civil society and inequality, 2013.

Sebastian Haunss: Conflicts in the Knowledge Society - The Contentious Politics of Intellectual Property, 2012.

Sebastian Wolf: Verrechtlichtes Regieren und grenzüberschreitende Verwaltung - Rechtspolitologie in den Bereichen Korruptionsbekämpfung und europäische Atomenergiepolitik, 2012.